chapter 43

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At the first sound of chirping in the morning my eyes opened and adjusted to the light of day as I laid on my back facing the sky. 

As I moved I realized there was a presence beside me and looked over to see kora sleeping peacefully curled up on her side facing me. She hardly stirred from the sound of movement as I sat up and watched her. 

Reaching over I stroked her cheek with the back of my hand earning a small murmur in return. My gaze moved to the braid tied into her mane. My braid, and a smile graced my lips as my tail twitched excitedly.

Looking around at the outcrop we were sleeping underneath I didn't see anything new. Before we had retired for the night I had brought us here and scouted the area for any dangers such as blood vines or devil-cat tracks. So far there were no signs of any dangerous animals in the area but that didn't mean I shouldn't be cautious. 

Getting to my feet I went through my bag and pulled out the knife I had taken from kora. In most cases it would be considered disrespectful to use a dead man's knife but kora did not kill him. She did not desecrate his body and steal from him out of malice. She took this knife to protect herself against the dangers of the forest.

I see no reason why she should not wield it a bit longer. Moving back to her I placed the knife in front of the sleeping female before slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"I'll be back soon mate…" I pet her head as she continued to sleep before standing and walking away. She will be safe here for now, my village is close and it won't take me long to get there.

I just hope things haven't gotten worse.


Upon entering my village I immediately seeked out paku and roku. Speaking with them about the hunting party and drakov was of the utmost importance. 

If I could get the To call off the hunters in the area then it will be easier for me to keep kora hidden and safe. We would still need to make sure no stray villagers see her while out scavenging but the drakov threat should decrease everyone's activity outside of the village as well.

On another note I needed a new weapon and some more supplies. Most of our stuff was abandoned in the hunting cave and my spear broke in the midst of the fight with the drakov warrior. 

Tentatively I touched the wound on my side. I'm lucky I did not sustain more than a few scratches and a single flesh wound. Kora was also injured but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Had there been more than one warrior I'm not sure how things might have turned out… I am far from an adequate fighter. My skills are all devoted to hunting and scavenging.

If kora was not with me i'm not sure i would have been able to fight off that warrior. Gritting my teeth I moved on, passing by those frolicking outside of the cave. Upon entering the main chamber someone sitting by the entrance jumped up, their face lighting up in excitement. Kion.

"Elazar!" He smiled before rushing over to my side and keeping pace with me as I looked for Roku. "I have been looking all over for you! Where were you?! You've been gone for days!"

"Not now kion, where is roku?"

Completely disregarding what I said, Kion continued blabbering off. "Roku said you came back briefly but immediately took off afterwards without an explanation! I've been waiting for you to come back every day, I even got a bit worried something happened, even Roku seems a bit worried- but now you're back! Hey, how did you get hurt?"

"Kion." I growled a bit looking at the boy. "Now's not the time for this I need to speak with roku, paku and talok-"

Kion stopped seeming a bit confused. "Why talok? I thought you wanted to avoid him after rasha-"

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