Chapter 27

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Okay kora, this is fine. Totally fine. I'm blind as a bat in this dark ass cave with no light, no idea where to go and my companion is nowhere in sight, possibly being torn apart by some kind of bloodthirsty man eating plant!Yeah everything is fine! 

I carefully got up to my feet trying to peer into the dark ness around me. "Elazar?" I called out but got no response. Shit. How far did he get dragged down? 

Looking around I saw a decent sized branch lying on the ground beside me. Looking back at the tunnel I fell through, various large roots were weaved into the ground all around the entrance. With fungus growing all around them. 

Grabbing the branch I tore off the bottom half of my shirt and used my knife to break off some of the dried sap on the branches. Silently thanking Elazar for some of the survival skills he showed me and for the flint he gave me to carry around in my pack. 

Sprinkling the dried pieces of sap over the cloth I tore into a strip, I wrapped it around the end of the range and grabbed a pile of dried leaves for kindling.

Using the knife and flint I made a spark that caught flame on the dried leaves and burned long enough to catch my makeshift torch on fire. 

Smiling, I picked it up and used the torch to look around at the dark pit I was trapped in. Just ahead of me I could see where the cave went deeper and noticed the drag marks across the ground. I also couldn't help but notice how much colder it was down here.

'Alright you've got this kora. Nothing to be afraid of. Just a man eating plant that dragged off a 7ft alien man twice your size.' I chuckled nervously.

Willing my nerves away I moved forward deeper into the cave. As I went I could see the blue vines growing along the walls, many of them covered razor sharp thorns. As I moved my torch close to look at them however they seemed to react strangely, reaching for the flames. You would think a plant would avoid the flames of a burning fire that could literally kill it.

I had to pull away and be mindful as I walked through the cave. To avoid getting too close to any of them. 

As I went deeper the plant growth became thicker and I could hear snarls and growls just up ahead. "Elazar!" I rushed forward into a larger cave chamber to see the place practically overrun by the huge tangle of thorny blue vines climbing all over the walls. 

They grew across the entirety of the cave, all over the walls and ceiling and seemed to all be connected at one point on the other side of the room. A giant pod-like growth stuck out of an outcrop on the other side of the room, each of the vines both new and old growing from it like ligaments of an animal. 

There were at least several of these plants growing all over the cave, each one having vines across the walls and floor just waiting to latch onto any prey it sensed nearby.

My attention was drawn to the struggling figure in the dark just ahead of me and I moved my torch in front of me to light up the area a bit more to see. 

The vines all across the ground in front of me were coiling and entangling a struggling Elazar who had his knife dug into the ground, using it to keep himself from being pulled any closer to the giant pod at the center of the plant. "Elazar!" 

He tilted his head back to look at me while fighting for his life and snarled. "leave! Run!" he shouted as he tried desperately to free his ensnared arm. The vines only continued to pull and squeeze him tighter, digging their sharp thorns into his skin even more, drawing rivots of blood from all over his body. 

A strange gurgling sound had us both looking up and over to the pod near the other side of the cave, as it seemed to crack open along a flawless seam and spread apart like a giant mouth filled with hundreds of teeth. Only the teeth were hook-like thorns and this so-called mouth was more akin to a giant venus-fly trap. 

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