Chapter 15

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I can't get her out of my head. Shipping a shoothstone across my spearhead I continued to mindlessly sharpen my weapon. 

There were unanswered questions about that mysterious female in the forest that were driving me crazy. I wanted to know where she's from and why she was out there hunting prey –that was practically larger than her– on her own. 

I wanted to know why she was so frightened of me when I did my best to show her no hostility.

Perhaps she spoke a different language? If she is from a southern territory far from here then she might not understand? But that still didn't explain much, it just makes me wonder why she's out in these forests by herself.

I want to know what happened to her tail and horns and why her eyes are different. Perhaps she was neglected, abandoned, maybe exiled for being born different. Some tribes are strict on such things. They refused to have any 'weak' tribemates who lacked the means to protect themselves and often shun those unfortunate enough to have such disabilities. 

But what tribe would be so uncompromising that they would cast out a female? There's only about one female to every four males, it's one reason they are so precious to us they are the only way our kind could even have a future. So how could anyone be so callous towards one.

The sound of a dry leaf crunching behind me made me pause in my musings as I listened closely to what was approaching me from behind. Their steps were light and placed well enough to muffle the sound of their approach to a degree but they weren't completely silent meaning they must be inexperienced. 

I already had a good idea of who it was. I let them get a bit closer, a tad amused by their attempt to be sneaky. Right before they could make a move however, I spoke up.

"Kion, I heard you coming ten paces away…" 

An audible groan came from behind me as I looked back over my shoulder at the youngling. Although he was an adolescent at this point in his life he still had the tendencies of a youngster, I suppose that is due to a lack of a father. Or parents in general. 

"but I've been practicing all week. How did you hear me!" Kion came over and crouched down beside me with a glum look on his face. Maybe I should have entertained him and not spoken up.

"your sneaking was good but you failed to notice the dried leaves that crumbled under your steps. You could sneak up on a venshal but something like a Xian would notice you half a mile away." 

He sulked further and glared at the ground in front of him mumbling curses to himself about the dumb leaves while his tail flicked around behind him.

I glanced at the blade of his tail realizing it had grown some since the last time we truly interacted. "your tail has grown." I gave him a small praise and almost instantaneously he perked up.

"So have my horns! They've grown nearly a whole inch in the past month! I've been keeping my blade sharp and have been practicing my hunting skills with it! Roku said it's nearly half the size of his and is strong like my fathers!"

I smiled a bit and set aside my own weapon while listening to him talk. Kion's father was a respectful hunter who took care of him alone after his mate passed away from a fever. Unfortunately he met his end during a hunt gone wrong when a territorial xian caught him too close to its nest. 

Kion was orphaned at such a young age but was lucky enough that the tribe took care of him as he grew. Even with the unfortunate upbringing he's still a lively and clever hunter. 

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