chapter 48

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"You did what?!" I looked at both Kion and Kora bewildered and furious. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Faux I couldn't even believe what I saw when I had returned and found them both gone.

I thought that maybe they went to the river to gather some water but as they returned to the camp looking disheveled and unnerved, I knew something else had happened.

I knew they were both prone to causing trouble but this- what they just did!- "you are both completely reckless! Are you incapable of understanding how foolish that was!?"

"Hey if you had just listened to our idea before then we wouldn't have gone out on our own!" Kora snapped back.

"I told you both no, to avoid a situation like this! Draven frequented those fields meaning the risk of running into that abomination were much higher! You are both lucky you did not get hurt, killer or even worse caught!"I snapped back angrily while my tail swooshed behind me. 

Kion was keeping his head down taking the scolding quite seriously while Kora stood before me defiantly. Upon hearing this new information however her hard glare softened and she realized she was wrong.

 "And You." I gestured to kion. You of all people should have known better-"

I was cut off as Kora held up her hands and stood in front of Kion as if to shield him from my wrath.

"Don't yell at him, it was my idea! Look I know it was a bad idea and extremely stooped, I dragged Kion with me he tried to talk me out of it so don't get angry with him!"

I narrowed my eyes while looking at the small female before me. 

"Look, we got what we needed and came back without a scratch on us! We aren't endangered anymore alright and that big dumb monster might even be dead now!"

I was silent while my tail swiped at the ground behind me. As much as I wanted to continue scolding the two and keep telling them how foolish and dumb their actions were I knew fighting Kora on this subject further would be pointless and cause more turmoil in us all. 

She admitted to her mistake, I only wish she will understand the importance of all this. Had she or kion been caught or killed- I closed my eyes trying to push that idea away. I don't need that kind of burden on my heart. With a sigh I relinquished my anger for now. I was still extremely frustrated but yelling would not help anything.

"It would not have died so easily." I walked away and moved closer to the campfire. Crouching down I grabbed a nearby stick to stoke the fire while trying to think of what I should do. When the drakov discovers what happened to their queen they may get angry…

Kora and Kion shared a look before coming over and settling down. 

"What do you mean? It looked badly injured-" Kora spoke up.

Running a hand over my face I stared at the burning embers before me. Injured? Sure. Dead? Highly unlikely. The draven is feared for more than The simple reason of them being dangerous. They are hard to kill, In fact the only thing known to have the ability and strength to kill such a monster has been a full grown xian. The dravens armored body is nearly impossible to break through otherwize.

Whether it be fortunate or not, the xians do not frequent or nest anywhere near here, meaning it's up to our kind to rid ourselves of the creature. "It most likely is licking its wounds somewhere. Draven are not so simple to kill…"

Kora was silent as her gaze moved to the forest in deep thought. 

I looked up at the cloudy night sky above us and sniffed the air. The scent of rain weighed heavily in the air, it would be raining soon. If the draven truly is injured, now might be the best chance we have of ridding ourselves of it. I will need to track it down and find its hiding place before the tracks and scent are washed away. 

Rise of The Fallen (unedited Version) (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang