chapter 40

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I whimpered as Elazar inspected my arm, with concern written all over his face. "I am sorry kora…I shouldn't have- I should have been here i-"

"El please… I'm okay." We were both silent for a moment and I tried to focus on anything but my arm and the body behind me. El tried living my arm and the jolt of pain that shot through me nearly made me black out. I cried out and pulled away holding my arm to my body. 

Elazar was silent as he observed my reaction. "I am not a healer but I do know enough about medicine and have had many injuries over the years." He stood up holding the bleeding wound on his side.

I watched as he walked over to a shelf grabbing a jar and opening it. He dug out some dried moss with his hand and quickly covered his injury to stop the bleeding. Once he was finished caring for his wound he grabbed another container that had some medicine in it.

"And?" I asked questioningly as he came back over to me and handed me a clump of some kind of plant root that was stark white. 

"Chew it, it will help with the pain. Your arm is not broken." 

"Well that's good I guess?"I  stuffed the stringy roots in my mouth. immediately The rancid taste nearly made me spit it back out but elazar put his hand over my mouth to stop me.

"Trust me you will want to consume it. Your arm is not broken but your shoulder is misplaced, muscle no doubt torn as well, it will hurt to fix." 

I already felt my stomach drop hearing those words and I nodded in understanding, reluctantly I chewed the bitter plant and swallowed it with much difficulty. El pulled his hand away while staying crouched beside me.

"Gahh! I guess the best medicine is always bitter."

El glanced at the cave entrance and I could see the worry in his eyes and the tension still thruming in his body. "Are there more- like him?" I nodded my head back gesturing towards the intruder.

"Yes, we cannot stay here for long. It would be best to move as soon as possible. We must leave this place for good." 

"Leave?" I looked at Elazar, feeling uncertainty creeping up my spine. This cave has been my home and my hide out for months! I've not come across any other places nearly as suitable to live in. He didn't seem nearly as bothered as I was about moving but I had a feeling it's because he still has a home outside this cave, he has an entire village and tribe.

Moving away he grabbed my discarded satchel off the ground. "The Drakov territory is too dangerous now with the draven around, because the cold season is beginning there will only be more dangers here…"

I stayed silent for a moment watching as Elazar gathered stuff we might need and filled both our bags. "Are we going to your tribe?"

At the mention of his tribe he froze. "No, it's not safe to bring you in yet. There's too much going on. We will find somewhere temporary where you will be hidden away from the draven, drakov, and my people."

My gaze trailed back to the knife Elazar had taken from me. "Is it because of that?" 

He followed my gaze to the knife and grabbed the weapon, seeming conflicted. We still hadn't talked about it and the subject was chewing at me from the inside. "We can discuss it later." He set everything off to the side before coming up to me.

"El, if your people are after me, and you're out here helping me, protecting me…doesn't that make you a traitor? Does it put you in danger?" He silently stared at my injured shoulder and didn't say a word, but from the look in his eyes I could already tell what the answer was.

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