Chapter 9

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"don't you dare come any closer!" I snapped at the man before me, holding the arrow in my hand up as a weapon.

He reacted just as quickly and drew his pistol, pointing it at me. I froze thinking he would shoot me but he just held his ground. "woah now…thats, quite a dangerous blade your holdin there girly…Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you, put the poison arrow down lass."

Poison? I glanced at the arrowhead seeing it had an unnatural glossy black shimmer. If he's worried about the poison that means I wouldn't even need a fatal stab with this in order to kill him. The arrow was the only weapon I needed. But I'm still at a major disadvantage considering he could shoot me before I get close enough. Trying to draw my gun now will just get me killed, he'll shoot me before I even grab it.

I stood my ground and eyed his moments, ready to rush him if needed. He took note of this and glanced between me and his gun. "Hey now I don't know what you're thinking but fighting will only end badly for both of us…a gunshot will draw every savage native in the area. I'm not gonna shoot you, so I'd appreciate it if you drop your arrow."

"that's not happening… I'm not stupid, I know I shouldn't trust you, only convicts who commit horrible crimes are sent down here… that means you could've been a murderer up on krosa and you could still be a murderer now."

"hmm true, but that also means you could be a murderer and i'm not so sure i'm willing to take that chance with that arrow in your hands. A simple graze from that could kill a man in just a few hours…but im also not keen on the idea of shooting you and drawing the savages this way."

We both stood there in a standstill and I struggled to come up with any ways out of this. "What do you want?" He seemed a little surprised by my question as he lowered his hands. 

"I'm just looking for my partner, that's it… We were both sent out here but got separated by some natives, I've been a bit lost since… you see he was the only one with a map of this area."

"sent out here?" I looked at him skeptical and he smiled. 

"Yes, by our camp leader. You must be that new fallen from a week or so ago… im impressed you've made it this long on your own, we thought you might've kicked the bucket already!" 

Camp? We? How many convicts are there living down here!? He smiled even more at my shocked expression. "You're wondering what I meant by we, aren't ya. Well the truth is most of us fallen have banded together to form a camp, we've got food, shelter, protection from the natives and wild animals out here, everything. We all work together to survive this hellhole… "

My mind was reeling with even more questions than before. They have an entire camp…i lowered my arrow but kept a close eye on the man before me as he also lowered his gun. 

"what's your name girly…"


"ah Well kora, I'll tell you what, if we could find my partner all three of us could go back to camp and you could join our group! You ain't gotta worry about no filthy savages or starving out here in the forest! Seth –our leader– will take real good care of you! How does that sound?" 

I stared at the man skeptical and relaxed a bit. "sure…" 

"great! We just gotta find Benny boy then head back to camp… You wouldn't happen to have seen him around her, have ya?" 

"Sorry to say but I think your partner is dead. Saw him get chased down by a couple of natives a few days ago… He didn't make it. There was nothing I could do…"

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