chapter 49

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 "Come now, don't be shy, come on out here! Do so unarmed and I promise my men won't shoot!"

What a load of shit. He may tell his men not to shoot, but that doesn't mean he won't. I can already tell what kind of man Seth is, I've dealt with them before. Just like the counselor who sentenced me to exile he's going to want something from me and if I refuse then he'll simply dispose of me.

Nothing but sick psychotic bastards.

"Kora what is happening? What is the other human saying?" Kion whispered while sitting beside me clutching his knife. He seemed ready to fight but I know Kion probably has no experience with humans or our guns, if they see him…they'll kill him.

I cursed under my breath seeing just how dire our predicament was. I've put Kion in danger just by having him around. If Elazar was here he'd try to fight off the entire group and get himself killed to try and protect me. "They want me. They are here to kill me."

"What? Why?!" Kion exclaimed, jumping to his feet as if he were ready to attack. I quickly grabbed his arm and placed a finger over my lips to shush him and he reluctantly moved closer, quieting down.

"I really don't want to have to come in there and drag you out sweetheart, but I will! I can't guarantee your safety if you choose to do this the hard way!" Seth called out once more.

Ignoring him I made Kion look me in the eyes. "I'm going to cause a distraction. I need you to stay here and stay hidden, once the coast is clear, find Elazar and tell him what happened!"


"Please kion if we are gonna get out of this I need you to do as I say! Trust me." I pleaded with the younger boy.

He seemed hesitant and conflicted but nodded in understanding. "Do not let them see you, do everything you can to stay out of their line of sight, their weapons are dangerous both up close and from a great distance. You won't be able to dodge It like a spear or arrow." He swallowed hard, seeming even more nervous.

I couldn't blame him for being scared, I'm scared too. Scared Kion or Elazar might get hurt or even die.

Seth spoke up again. "I'll give you ten seconds to come out with your hands up! If you don't, then we're coming in! 1…2…3…4…5…6!..."

"I'm coming out! Don't shoot!" I called back as I fastened my cloak and hood and stepped out of the entrance.

Seth's sick smile only grew bigger as he un-crossed his arms letting one fall to the side and the other hook onto his belt where his pistol lay.

"Smart choice miss-?"

"Kora" I responded with a hard glare.

"Ah yes miss Kora wrathia, that's the one! I apologize for such an unpleasant greeting but after finding poor Ben and Jace's remains –especially Jace's with a bullet in his head.-- we had to take certain precautions…"

"Yeah well when one person decides to pull a gun on another it's kinda a no-brainer that one's gonna get shot."

"Fair enough, jace always was a little too trigger happy for my taste so I'll let it slice this time."

"So what now? I assume you want me alive for a reason otherwise you wouldn't still be standing here talking to me so what do you want? I doubt whatever Bounty that's on my head requested that you keep me alive." 

"Clever girl…Indeed when we get bounties they often result in us eliminating the target in order to collect the reward but sometimes the rewards just aren't as favorable or useful as the targets themselves…" Seth smirked and I could hear one or two of his men hiding in the bushes chuckle. "You see I have bigger ambitions, those fools up on krosa know nothing about this place. They have no idea what this world could become. They are too cowardly to try and colonize this planet and use it for its resources. So we've decided to do it ourselves with enough firepower and men we could clear out the natives and dangerous wildlife then create a new empire! An empire without God's or governments. An empire where I could be king. Maybe I'll even make you my queen." He shrugged.

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