chapter 41

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(Note: yall asked for elazar pov for this steamy chapter so here it is I hope it lives up to your standards! 😆 I'm still learning with this stuff!)

Sexual content warning: 🔥 🔥 


For all my years of living in this forest I've seen the beauty it has to offer. The sights, the smells, the sounds. 

I've witnessed the cycle of life as a whole, seen the hidden wonders hiding just beneath the surface. I've been entranced by the scents of fresh fallen rain and tasted the sweetest fruits. I've heard the many songs of the forest and have been lulled to sleep by them within the comforts of a warm bed.

Most would think that one couldn't and shouldn't ask for anything more from the world. That everything I had was all I needed, that there was nothing else to be had. 

Oh how wrong they are…

If only they knew what true beauty looked like, what it tastes like, what it sounds like…

Kora's small whine of protest in my ear had my tail curling in delight as I held her back against my body. I kept her small frame secured against mine with an arm wrapped around her front with my hand over her breast and the other between her legs.

Purring as a small gasp escaped her lips I squeezed her chest briefly and nipped at the side of her neck with my fangs. 

Her head fell back over my shoulder with her eyes closed as I continued to rub that small bud right above her heat. 

The sounds of her moans mixed with the scent of her arousal was driving me crazy.  Peering down her front as I teased her neck I watched entranced as the mound of her chest molded to fit my hand so perfectly. 

Retracting my fangs from her skin I dragged my tongue up the side of her neck while moving my fingers to slip them into her slick tight opening. 

Kora all but bucked her hips against my hand as I paled that sensitive bud and curled my fingers inside of her.

"F-fuck!" She breathed. Reaching up with her good arm to entangle her fingers in my hair, while her other hand moved over my own as I massaged her neglected breast.

Nipping at her ear I murmured quietly while watching my fingers pump in and out of her heat. "You're so small…"

She turned her head slightly to look at me with a pout. "I am not! I'm the average height for a girl- or a human…"

A smile tugged at my lips as I watched her pout change and she bit her lip and looked down as I toyed with the pink bead on her breast. "I wasn't talking about your height."

I squeezed the soft mound of her chest again and Another whine nearly escaped her as she pressed her pink lips into a thin line. 

"I was talking about this…" I pushed my fingers deeper into her canal feeling her inside squeeze them as I explored more of her. "Your womb is what I fear is too small." 

"How does your kind even reproduce with you female's being so small? I'm doubting how a kit would even fit inside of you…" I teased while nipping at her ear.

"Ahh- w-we usually have dokturs and stuff to help with that! M-men usually aren't too big so it's not really an issue of if they'll fit-"

While Stirring up her insides I shifted underneath her, my erection now making me a bit uncomfortable. As I readjusted, my shaft pressed against the small of koras back and she gasped, arching away from. Me slightly while trying to turn her head to Glance over her shoulder. 

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