Chapter 25

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Waking up I opened my eyes, finding myself in my cave of solitude instead of outside in the forest. Groaning I sat up and stretched my arms above my head until stopping when I remembered I was still injured, but surprisingly I don't feel much pain?

Looking down I lift my torn shirt to look at my injuries to see them a lot shallower than they were two nights ago. 'Who's what the hell?' 

Pulling my shirt down by my shoulder I checked the bite wound there and yup, same thing. I had somehow healed a few weeks worth of flesh and skin in under two days. Kinda freaky but I'm not complaining.

I also quickly realized that Elazar was no longer in the cave with me. I glanced around and sure enough, no sign of him. Did he leave leave? 

Last night when I made my way back here I was surprised that he had managed to find me and came back after disappearing for nearly the entire day. 

I feel kind of bad for nearly whacking him with a branch but I had been expecting some stranger to step inside and attack me. I couldn't blame him for wanting to bitch my ass.

Sighing I got up and fastened my new knife to my belt before moving over to the entrance. Pushing the vines to the side I poked my head out looking around for any potential intruders or hazards but instead I found a bowl set out in front of the entrance, filled with fruit, nuts and roots of some kind. 

I stared at the strange assortment of food before me, confused. Is this a trap? Because this feels like a trap. 

The sound of rustling made me flinch back to hide in the cave and my head shot up in the direction of the sound. I watched as some branches and ferns were pushed aside and Elazar came striding out of the woods, carrying a massive bundle of sticks in his arms.

When he looked up and spotted me he stopped in his tracks. "kora?"

I relaxed and tentatively came out of the cave, before waving at him awkwardly. He brought over the sticks and set them down outside of the entrance where another pile that I hadn't even noticed yet, was sitting. Had he been gathering firewood all morning? 

Looking back down at the bowl by my feet I leaned down and picked it up before looking at Elazar. "Did you leave this for me?" he tilted his head slightly unsure of what I was saying before grabbing one of the items for the bowl. 

"Sa'te" he limited buying into the strange looking plant root before gesturing to me and placing it back in the bowl. So he does want me to eat them.

 Nodding in understanding I followed Elazar back inside the cave as he grabbed an armful of sticks and ducked through the entrance. 

Once inside I sat down on the fur blanket I had been sleeping on previously and watched as he set the sticks in the fire pit before lighting it up. He used the strange and horrible tasting, –because yes, I tried it, I was desperate.-- jelly from one of the jars along the wall to ignite the fire with vibrant blue flames.

"so that's how you did it…glad that stuff wasn't toxic…" Once the fire was growing strong he looked over to me, seeing the bowl in my hands and moved to seat himself beside me, cross legged.

I watched him curiously as he reached towards some of the berries and roots gathered in the bowl and picked through them before holding one up for me to look at.

"Laaha" he said. I blinked a few times and looked at the fruit before repeating what he said. "La-ah?" 

He shook his head no then said it again. "Laaha!" I tried getting once more, deepening my pitch slightly as I said it. He seemed pleased once I got it right and held the berry up to my lips expectantly. 

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