chapter 35

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After awakening this morning I  immediately made my way back to the village, now that I was courting kora I need proper supplies. 

The nights are getting colder and the old worn out blankets that we had been sleeping with weren't going to be enough to keep the little female warm in the coming months. She also needed new covers considering the ones she has have been torn and barely stitched together numerous times. With how flimsy the material is I'm surprised she even bothers wearing them since they provide little protection and no warmth.

Luckily I have plenty of material back within my den at the village. I'll be able to make her proper coverings and get some other supplies such as medicine. 

Kora is prone to get easily hurt with how soft and squishy her body is, where mine is mostly made up of muscle hers consists of fat. Part of me wishes she was more similar to my own kind only because I did not like how easy it was for her to get hurt, but another part of me quite enjoys how soft she is.

I could almost still feel her smooth tender pressed against mine, her sweet lips upon my own, and her nectar. Faux, I never would have ever imagined a little human like her tasting so delicious.

And now she's mine…

The thought made my heart swell with pride. Kora is unique. Xandisian or not she's proved she's fit for survival here in these forests she is clever and smart making her an ideal female to court. 

Strength and the ability to survive are the pride of nearly all xandisians. Even with the odds pinned against her, Kora has shown her true capabilities. She is a survivor and anyone who thinks otherwise would be a fool.

I slowed my pace after leaping off a tree branch above to land on the trail that led straight to my village. 

As much as I wanted to hurry and return to kora, I knew rushing in would draw attention to me. The last thing I wanted was to have someone question me about my whereabouts the past few days.

As I approached the clearing, the familiar scent of home wafted over me. Instead of bringing me a sense of comfort and familiarity it made my stomach churn like a sickness threatening to rear its ugly head.

I grit my teeth as I passed by a few familiar faces and made my way to the cavern, keeping my head down and my eyes forward. Once I passed through the drapes covering the entrance to my den I felt some of the tension in my body give way. I do not want to be here longer than I need to be. 

Very few tribe members noticed me and seemed interested in what I was doing and most likely where I have been for the past few days, but no one spoke a word to me and quickly went about their day.

Making my way over to the wooden crate beside my furs I opened it up and removed the carrying sack inside. Quickly emptying its contents by dumping them on the ground I quickly dug through the crate for the materials I needed.

I gathered the finest leathers and cloths to make new coverings and stuffed them inside the sack before moving over to the shelves on the wall and gathering various containers that held medicine within. 

The sound of the curtain of my doorway falling open Drew my attention and I looked over to see Roku standing in the entrance. His eyes moved from me to the sack I was packing in my hands before his face twisted into confusion.

"Elazar, you just arrived back after being gone for many days and you're already leaving again?" He questioned.

Turning my attention back to my supplies I gathered a few more things while replying. "Yes I only came back to resupply. I didn't intend to stay for long."

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