Chapter 26

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The days passed in a breeze. After our little 'accident', we spent the rest of the day trying to communicate some more. Up until late in the night we continued teaching each other what certain words meant, how to pronounce them in each other's language and then proceeded to utterly fail at trying to have practical conversations. 

We both had a lot to learn and continued to spend nearly all hours of the next few days doing just that. Learning. Each morning, Elazar went out to scavenge food and we both gathered sticks around the camp for firewood. 

It was strange waking up each morning with an alien native in my cave but I didn't mind the company he provided, I hadn't realized how lonely it had been for the past few months, living down here and surviving on my own. 

Having Elazar made things a lot easier than before, he provided me with food and water while my injuries completely healed. I had attempted to go out with him to scavenge but he insisted I stay near the cave until I got my strength back. After nearly a week I finally managed to convince him to take me out with him.

He started teaching me different things about the forest and plants from there. He showed me what could or couldn't be eaten, what was toxic or dangerous, what was ripe or rotten. 

He even tried teaching me how to traverse the forest easier, although it was still much of a pain considering his strides were so much longer than my own and we had to resort to more climbing than crawling with the paths he took. It only made sense considering he was too big to really use the same trails as me. 

Elazar showed me different ways to find certain plants or animals and even fresh water. I couldn't believe how abundant with  food the forest actually was after struggling for so long. 

Elazar managed to find something useful around every corner. Whether it be food, medicine, a tool or basic supplies he always knew where to look.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, he grew up in these jungles. He knows them better than any fancy scientist or super computer genius ever could. He's taught me more about this forest in the past few days than I have in the past few months.

Even if I had somehow survived that night I was attacked, even if I hadn't been injured to the point of not even being able to get back up, I'm not sure how much longer I would have lasted without him.

I still wonder why he's so intent on helping me, but when I attempted to ask him he didn't quite understand the question. It was as if helping and taking care of me was the most logical thing for him to do even Though we hardly know each other and aren't the same species.

It's strange… there's just something about him that I- I just… it's hard to put into words.

Even now while we are out here in the forest scavenging for food, he keeps most of his focus on me, helping me, guiding me. But I can't help but wonder… why. Why waste his energy on someone like me, why put in so much effort for someone he hardly knows. 

I hate thinking about it because the only reasonable conclusion my mind is able to come up with is that he is using me, or he wants something from me. That's how it's always been. I've always been a tool for others. It's why I don't want to let anyone get close, why I can't let anyone get close…

Not even him. Even so, I'm not sure how to turn him away. I owe him I know that, but what price would I have to pay to repay the debt.

"kora!" I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of Elazar's voice and looked up to see him waving me over, just up ahead.

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