Chapter 11

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–7 weeks later–


Strange… looking over the tracks in the mud I couldn't distinguish what they came from. They were small but round. No signs of claws or any other ligaments. Possibly belonging to a herbivore of some kind?

Looking up from the single track I caught sight of a few more with the same odd shape. But what caught my attention the most was how sparse they were. It was as if it was purposely stepping on rocks, roots and other hard surfaces in order to not leave a trail. If that is the case then this isn't just some wild animal.

I continued to inspect the tracks and sniffed the air for any strange scents. It was faint but I could smell something I didn't recognize in the air, Mixed with the scent of clay, mud, river water and…charcoal?

"Elazar!" a voice snapped me out of my musing and my tail twitched as I looked back at my hunting companion. Roku.

"What are you doing? Have you found venshal tracks?"

I glanced down at the strange tracks once more before standing up and adjusting the bow on my back. "no, there's no signs of venshal passing through here. We should look elsewhere…"

"faux I was hoping to find at least one venshal to take back to the village before nightfall…" Roku cursed before walking forward, completely overlooking the tracks. 

I said nothing and followed as we went deeper into the forest, straying away from whatever trail we had been on before. 

We were both silent while traveling and all I could think about while walking was how pointless this all felt. Roku suggested we go hunt for meat and furs, he said we could both use the extra food and new furs but that couldn't be further from the truth.

We have no use for new furs nor more meat, neither of us have mates or kits to feed, the meat would just go to waste and the new furs aren't a necessity. I have no desire to get new furnishings or covers, and roku shouldn't either. They are luxuries we don't need. 

So why are we even out here?

"Roku…" I spoke up, grabbing his attention. He stopped to look back at me over his shoulder, his tail swaying lazily behind him like he was bored. He wasn't even taking this hunt seriously.

"Why are we out here?"



With a heavy sigh he admitted to whatever he was scheming. "You've been sulking too much, you've barely eaten in weeks, you preoccupied yourself with making weapons you never use, and you won't forget about Ratha!"

I balled my fist at my side digging my claws into the palm of my hands. Roku turned towards me and stepped over to place his hand on my shoulder. 

"I worry for you brother, you are not taking care of yourself. You are stuck in a hole of sorrow after losing Ratha. You need to forget about her and move on."

Gritting my teeth I turned away, already annoyed enough by this conversation. "I do not need you to lecture me right now Roku. I'm not some youngling who needs to be taught how to survive. I'm capable of handling myself." I started walking back towards the village, frustrated over this entire scenario. 

"Elazar!" he ran after me and blocked my path with a hard stare while I glared back. "If you do not want to be lectured then act like a man not a kit!"

I started baring my fangs and my tail lashed out behind me in irritation. "you need to let go of what happened and understand that not everyone is meant to have a mate! 

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