Chapter 12 - Reactions

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I was currently sitting at my desk working on an essay for history where I had to explain the causes of WW1. I liked history, don't get me wrong. I pretty much liked every subject in school because I liked school, but I did not like it when I had to write a three page essay on just the causes of the war!

I heard my door creak open which it annoyingly did every time anyone walked in or out of my room causing me to turn around.

Caleb stood in the door, but only half of his frame was in my room and the other still lay outside of my bedroom. He had a warm smile on his face. But I didn't fail to notice that his hair lay haphazardly in his eyes, more ruffled than it had been when I talked to him before I went to go talk to my brother about the dance.

I wonder if Ace has made a decision yet.

I was actually very happy Caleb had come into my room and disrupted me from my work because I was in need of a break right now!

"Hey, Cal." I said cheerly, standing up from my desk and walking a little towards him and the door. "You can come in. Whatcha doing here?"

My brother's friend made his way into the room, shutting the door behind him before turning towards me.

"I have some good news for you." Caleb said grinning at me which in turn caused me to replicate his gesture.


"Here." He said simply, handing me a sheet of paper.

I scrunch my eyes and my nose, confused about what this paper was. I took the white piece of paper from the older boy's hands in front of me before bringing it to my stomach to look at it.

But as soon as I read the words that were printed in all caps and bold at the top of my paper I knew what this was.


My excitement started to dance as I looked up at Caleb.

"Is this real?!" I questioned, my excitement seeping through my voice very clearly.

I looked back down at the paper and my eyes floated towards the bottom seeing the curly but also jagged words that made up my brother's signature – Ace Chambers.

Then I looked towards the paper taped to the center of the page. It was a small blue sheet that I recognized right away as a check.

My brother signed a check!

He signed my permission slip!

I'm going to the dance!

"H-he signed it!?" I asked again, not believing my eyes.

"Yeah, Jo, he did." Caleb said a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest in amusement of my disbelief.

"Ekkk!" I squealed, jumping into my honorary brother's arms. "I'm so excited!"

As if he was on instinct Caleb wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me off of the floor because my arms were draped around his neck. I buried my head in his shoulder as excitement came off of me in waves. He spun me around a couple times, fast, making my legs wave around. I just laughed because right now I was content, I was extremely happy right now.

Caleb put me on the floor and the second he let me go I clapped my hand and jumped up once and then twice, squealing.

"Jeez, Jo, all that squealing. You're suck a girl." Caleb teased.

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