Chapter 45 - Breakfast Date

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I went to bed early last night after I couldn't focus on anything in my book due to my crazy mind replaying all that had happened yesterday.

The court case. Winning the court case. Going to dinner. Soltani showed up at the dinner place.

The shaking of my shoulder was the thing that woke me up in the morning ... even before my scheduled alarm went off.

"What?" I mumbled, rolling over towards the hand that was shaking me as my unruly curls fell into my face.

"Morning." A husky voice that belonged to my brother stated as he brushed some curls from my face and tucked them behind my ear so I could see him.

He was wearing a casual outfit today with jean pants and a black sweatshirt. His hair wasn't even styled — but it was a stylish bed head that made it look effortlessly good. I wish my hair would do that.

"What time is it?" I snuggled into my pillow.

Why was he waking me up before my alarm?

It was the expectation that I had to wake up and get dressed all on my own before going downstairs for breakfast and one of the boys would take me to school. Rarely did my brother or his best friend ever wake me up. Posing the question of, why would Ace be waking me up this early on a school day?

"Early." Ace stepped around my question. "You and me — breakfast?"

"Just the two of us?" I sat up abruptly in my bed, smiling like crazy. My brother nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. "On a school day?" — He nodded again. "Really?!" I exclaimed — he nodded again.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I jumped forward to hug my brother, smashing my face into his chest. He didn't even bother to hug me back as I was off of him in a second running towards my closet. "I've got to get dressed!"

"30 minutes." Ace told me how much time I had before I had to be downstairs before leaving my room.


"How many?" The waitress at the breakfast place Ace and I decided to go to this morning, questioned.

"Two." I responded.

"Right this way then." She said and grabbed two menus before leading us over to a booth. "Your server will be with you shortly."

I slid into one of the sides of the booths, shoving my backpack in with me because Ace said that he would take me straight from breakfast to school and then he'd go to work.

There were only about two other people in the entire place seeing as it is 6:30 in the morning. But luckily for us this place opened at five am. We have to leave at 7:30 to go to school since my school starts at 8:30. Normally, I'll get to school around 8 which is kinda early, but if we get to school any later than that it's a lot of traffic for my brothers going back which usually makes them (especially Caleb) super cranky in the afternoon. So we always go early.

"What's the occasion?" I asked Ace.

My brother and I don't really ever hang out one-on-one due to Caleb living with us and him being at work so much as well as me being at school and hanging out with my friends and things like that. I like hanging out with Caleb and Ace, but sometimes I do want some one-on-one time with Ace and sometimes I want alone time with Caleb. So today this made me super excited and happy.

I didn't ask about the occasion when Ace had woken me up or when we were driving because I didn't want to jinx it or anything, but now that we were at breakfast there was no going back for him. But I would also hope he wouldn't want to go back.

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