Chapter 1

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"Megha called up and told me that Manik is finally coming back today. "  Maya said and everyone in the house looked relieved all of a sudden. They started doing arrangements with  full excitement.

It was the wedding day of Maya and Viraj Sahni's daughter, but her would-be groom was missing for the last 2 days.

Missing as in, no one could talk to him which was a bit weird, he should have been here by now for the pre wedding rituals.

All the ceremonies and rituals were performed in Sahni mansion but that real excitement was lacking.

Though everyone was tense, they were not saying much till now.  But now after Megha called, they were smiling genuinely. All the apprehensions were gone within seconds.

Maya and Viraj looked at their only princess Myra, who just came downstairs.

Maya went to hug her and kissed her forehead.

" Did you hear what I just said, honey? Manik is safe and he is on his way to New Delhi. "

Myra just smiled and just then everyone started teasing her, especially her younger cousins. She was smiling delicately looking like a perfect would-be bride. 

Sujal and Viren were smiling at that. But they were getting a bit uneasy. It was difficult for them to hear all that about their friend and younger sister.

" Oh, I just got a message from Manik. Let me check..." Viren said all of a sudden. Just then Sujal's phone also beeped.

" What are they up to? I got one message from Shaurya. He is calling us to Manik's place. " Sujal said.

"Manik has written that he is reaching his home in half an hour and I should come to his home with my parents. It is very urgent... What is the matter?? Did he tell you?? "  Viren asked Myra. But she shook her head as there was no point in lying.

" He must have been very stressed and tired. But at least he is safe and coming back on time. Let's go and see, what he has to say. " Sujal said and Viren nodded.

" Hmm, let me inform our parents. Myra, take proper rest if you want to look your best, or you will look very tired. " Viren said but it is easier said than done.  He went to tell the elders that they needed to go to Manik's place.

" Dad, Manik sent me a message,  we need to go to Manik's place. " He informed and they all went to Manik's place.

There were more than 15 guest cars already parked there.

" It seems, he has called everyone. " Viren said.

" I wonder why has he called everyone instead of meeting his family first. " Viraj asked.

" What is so important that has to be discussed right now? "  I said.

" I don't know what is going through his mind. " Viren said.

They all went in and the Shah family welcomed them, but Manik was yet to reach there.

" We all are so happy and relieved to hear that Manik is absolutely fine and is about to reach here anytime now. I just wonder why has he called all of us here today. It is already past lunch time and there are so many things to take care of at home and we all have to get ready as well. " Maya asked the Shah family.

" We all were thinking the same,  but have no idea. He will be here any moment now, let's see what he has to say. " Megha replied politely.

After about five minutes,
Manik walked into their huge drawing room where everyone was waiting for him.

As soon as Mehul saw him he rushed to embrace him. And then everyone did the same. Mehul turned to everyone and said.

"You all were asking me why did not Manik come back from Surat till now and I told all of you that there was a big emergency and he could not leave before things were solved. Well, I didn't tell you the whole truth. " Mehul said and explained everything. 

" What do you mean? " His wife asked.

" Relax!! I didn't lie, just hid a few facts... He could not come even if he wanted to as he has been facing a lot of problems....."  He explained everything about how Manik saved Roshni.  Well, he told what he knew...

Everyone was shocked especially Ron as he considered Roshni as his sister.

" What?? How is she?  Why didn't you tell me? Where is she?" Ron came forward and asked Manik.

" Relax, Ron!! She is fine! Gone inside, but will be here soon. "  Manik replied.

" Relax? You know that she is like my sister, why the hell didn't you tell me?" He was annoyed. But Manik pacified him somehow.

" She is fine, Ron! Calm down! We will discuss it later on. Can I continue? " Manik said, Ron nodded. Manik explained everything in detail. Everyone was shocked but relieved now that they were safe.

" Thank God! We are so relieved to hear that. All's well if it ends well. Now please get ready for the rituals... It's your wedding day and so many rituals are still to be done. " Mehul said. 

He took a deep breath.

" I am sorry, Chachu... But I can't perform all those rituals now as I... " He was saying but Mehul interrupted him.

" I know you must be tired and there are many rituals and very limited time. Don't worry, we will not stretch the ceremonies, will do only the main ones in short. Pandit ji is waiting for you. " Manik's mom said.

" Will all of you, please listen to me for once? " Manik said in a louder voice.

" What happened? " Manik's dad Mudit Shah asked.

" Nothing uncle, he is the groom today, so wants special treatment from all of us. It's ok we will give it to him, after all, it is his wedding day. " Viren said teasing him.

" I am not the groom and it's not going to be my wedding day. " Manik replied.

" What do you mean? "  Viraj Sahni asked with an angry expression.

" I apologize to each and every person present here but I can't marry Myra. "  He said with folded hands.

Everyone was shocked at what he said, some thought of it as a stupid prank.

" Enough of this time pass, Manik. We all have a hell lot of work to do. It is your wedding and only you are free. It is our sister's wedding, we don't have time for your pranks. " Sujal said.

" Pranks?? Do you think I would prank in front of all of the elders?? I called all of you here because I wanted to tell something to all of you. Please take me seriously and listen to me. It is not any kind of joke or prank. I can't marry Myra or anyone else as I am already married. " He said.

But no one took him seriously.

" We know you are married to your work. " Viren said.

" No, I am not going to say that. I am already married to a girl. "  Manik replied.


Good morning friends 🌞

Here is the first chapter of my book, I hope you liked it. This chapter and the next one are in author's POV as none of the protagonists were present there at Manik's home.

There will be daily updates at around 9 AM to 9:30 AM.

I was busy with my kids' exam. So didn't think of the most suitable name for the book.

So please suggest what should be the name of the book??

Please suggest the name, I had three options in my mind. I want to see your opinion,  then we can see which name appeals to most of my lovely readers.

Take good care if yourself and have a nice day.

Chhavi ❤️❤️❤️

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