Chapter 38

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Rajveer's POV

" Yes!! You look good even without clothes. 8 on 10.  "  She said with a smile.

What the hell!!

" 8 on 10??  Really? "  I asked.

" Yes! I have seen better than this. "  She said.


" Is it? Will you mind telling me about them? "  I asked.

" Let it be...  Well, I can revise the rating if you could remove that towel. " She said and my face became red. My face was not the only body part that was affected.

This girl... Is surely going to give me a heart attack one day.

" No thanks, my body is not on display.  And you can't take your eyes as of now what will happen if I remove the towel? " I asked.

" Leave that on me... I will handle it.  I am enjoying myself. " She said.

She was too much, of course... What else can you expect from  Viren's sister and niece of Mohit uncle

" Then take a picture, it will last longer. "  I said to show that I was not getting affected either.

" Wow!! You are full of good ideas today. Wait!! Let me click your picture. "  She said and picked up her phone.

Her eyes were roaming over me, arousing me again. I needed to leave the room as soon as possible or I would have to go for another cold shower.

"  What are you doing? What will you do with such a picture? I was just kidding. " I got a bit embarrassed and started wearing my clothes as fast as I could.

" Well, I think it is a good idea, at least your picture would not get conscious of me looking at it. " She said.

Oh, God!! What has gotten into this girl?

" What nonsense! I am not getting conscious. "  I said.

" You are, I can see the faint color on your face.  Now you know, how it felt when you were looking at me like this? "  She said with a raised eyebrow. I was shocked and combed my hair with my hands and went to open the door.

" Raj, wait!!! Where are you going?  You can't go out like that... Wait!! "  She called after me But I came out of the room and went to join the others.

" Good morning, Bhai!! Hey, what happened to you??" Ruhan looked at me and asked.

" What happened to me? " I asked back.

" Your face is red, Do you have a fever? Roohi, see if bhai is fine or not, his face has turned red. " Ruhan called Roohi.

" Who told you, he has a fever, I think, he is blushing. " Ron said.

I swear, I will beat these stupid brothers of mine. Both are idiots. Especially Ron.

" Bhai, what happened?? " Roohi asked.

" I am fine!! Roohi,  go to my room, Myra needs your help." I said and saw that everyone was smiling at that. 

" Why should we send Roohi to help her? She is your wife, you learn to help her. " Chachu said.

"  But in that case, who will help him?? " Ron muttered but I heard him and glared but he winked at me.

" Mom, please serve the breakfast, I am very hungry. "

" Yes, of course, we can understand. The breakfast is ready, let Myra also come. " Chachi said and smiled.

" She will join when she can, I can't wait anymore. " I said as I wanted to distract them with food so that they don't concentrate on teasing me.

" Oh, come on, Sia, try and understand, he is so hungry that he could not even wait to wear his jeans. Serve him food right now. " Chachu said and everyone burst out laughing.  I was shocked and looked at myself.


I forgot to wear my jeans in a  hurry to get out of the room. I was wearing a shirt over the towel. I closed my eyes and took a few breaths.

" Shit!! He has been married for just two days and it seemed that he is losing his mind so much that he forgot to wear pants. I don't ever want to get married. " Ron said.

" Same here. " Ruhan said.

" Shut up! Don't you both have anything else to do?? Ron, I will see that you get married very soon and then I will make you pay for all this. And Ruhan, you are not even old enough to get married. So concentrate on your studies. " I scolded him.

" Go and wear something... Or are you scared to go in your room? " Ron said again.

" Why would I be scared of going to my room? "

" I don't know, you were looking absolutely red when you rushed out of your room as if a ghost was following you. Maybe I was wrong and you were not blushing but were scared of someone. But I guess there was only Myra in your room. "

" Ron, stop it. Dad tell him to shut up or you will have only one son by the evening. "

" Ron, shut up!! You are not even married till now, how do you know what is he going through? Only I know, what he might be going through, do you remember how we used to feel? " Dad said looking at Mom with a naughty smile and winking.

" Shut up, Rahul!! Not another word or you will sleep in the guest room. "

" No! I will not say another word.  And Ron, don't tease him, I swear, I could have shot Rohit if I had a loaded gun at that time as he always teased me and disturbed us in our special moments. So if you don't want to die so young, stop teasing him. "  Dad said and chachu was smiling mischievously.

"  Don't forget, I brought you closer and gave you the first chance to kiss Priya and since then our mom made it a custom.  " Chachu said and Dad nodded.

Shaking my head, I went to my room and saw a teasing smile on Myra's face.  Roohi was trying not to laugh but failed.

" Why didn't you tell me?? " I asked Myra.

"  Don't blame me, I was shocked when you opened the door and went away as if there was some sort of emergency. I even called after you. "  She said.

I wore my jeans and combed my hair and saw her through the mirror. She was looking out of the world. The saree looked beautiful on her. I really wanted to get lost somewhere with her.

Maybe I should ask her to come out with me after this moonh dikhayi ceremony.

I went out again, and Myra and Roohi also followed me.

Everyone said that she was looking very pretty and she smiled shyly.


Who was the real Myra?? This girl who was smiling shyly, or that girl in my room who was flirting with me?

This girl will make me go mad very soon.

We all had breakfast and she sat beside me our upper arms touched and I kind of liked it. But the very next moment her leg also touched mine making me aware of the proximity again and I looked at her, she was smiling with a slightly naughty expression and eating as of nothing happened.

We kept eating food but just then I felt her left foot caress mine and I choked on food.

" What happened, Raj? " Mom asked immediately and gave me water, I drank it and looked at her. She was embarrassed and seemed to be apologizing with her eyes.


We all were enjoying ourselves as Dad decided that nobody will go to the office until something very important comes up as there was moonh dikhayi ceremony at home.


Good morning friends

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Take good care of yourself and have a great day.

Chhavi ❤️😍🥰

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