Chapter 29

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Raj's POV

It was a Sunday, so we were going to have a family brunch. I was ready and about to go and join others but just then one of our clients called up, he wanted us to repeat the order we sent them earlier as all the material got sold like hotcakes. 

It was almost half an hour when I  called my PA to see how soon we can complete the order. He told me that it can be sent in less than a week.

" Well, that is a piece of great news. I will call you back. " I was about to go downstairs when Ruhan came to call me.

" Bhai, everyone is waiting for you, Come!! "

" Yeah, coming!! "

" What were you doing in your room alone? I mean if Myra was also there in the room, we could still understand. "  Chachu teased me.

" I got a call from a client, he wants a repeat of the order he placed earlier. In fact, this time he wants the double number of pieces for each item. "

" Wow!! Great!! Sia, your collection is doing extremely well there. "  Dad said to chachi.

" Thanks, bhaiya. " Chachi smiled and said.

" My feisty warrior is very talented. " Chachu said looking at her lovingly and wrapping his arm around her waist.

" Oh, god!! Dad, don't start again. You are not the youngest couple now,  We have a new couple at home, it's time for them to flirt. " Ruhan said and chachu glared at him.

" They seemed to need tuition in romance, so I guess, old couples need to teach them. Isn't it, Bhai? " Chachu asked dad and dad nodded.

" Chachu, you won't need to teach that to me. Give your special classes to Raj.  " Ron said and I glared at him.

" Yeah, you need classes on true love and discipline in life. What are you doing with your life, stop fooling around with girls and be serious. Since Raj is married now, it is your time to get married so be serious and find a decent girl to get married to.  " Dad said to Ron.

" I don't want to get married. " He said.

But then why did he agree to get married to Myra??

He can't have some secret feelings for her.

" What rubbish!! We have let you do what you wanted till now, but now we want you to settle down. Either you find a nice and decent girl, who can settle down in our family well or we will find one for you. And Rohit, we must start looking for an eligible bachelor for our Roohi as well."  Dad said and both Ron and Roohi got tense.

" I don't want to get married, so soon uncle. I have to do my specialization, first. I have just completed my MBBS. I need to complete my MD before thinking of getting married. Please don't find any alliance for me. I would like to choose my life partner on my own. " Roohi said.

Dad and chachu looked at her and then at me and Ron. We knew what that meant, he was asking us to find out if she was interested in anyone.

Does she already like someone?? Is it Mihir?? She is very friendly with him... And Vihan??

Oh, no!!

Could it be Vihan??

Oh, God!! It should not be Vihan at any cost. I will not allow that. He is a certified playboy, no way!!

Not Mihir as well... but at least, he is better than Vihan.

"  Ok, please stop this discussion,  the brunch is ready, and all of you please come for the breakfast. " Mom said to cut down the tension.

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