Chapter 35

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Myra's POV

I removed his arm carefully and tried to get up, but winced in pain, " Ouch!! "

What the hell!!

A lock of my hair was stuck with the button of his nightshirt.

I was bound to come very close to him to untangle my hair from his button and was trying to do it as fast as possible as I didn't want him to wake up and see what happened.

But to my dismay, he opened his eyes and looked surprised.

" What are you doing?? " He asked in a low and husky voice.

I opened my mouth to answer but could not say anything as I
was embarrassed to imagine how the whole thing would have looked like, first thing in the morning when he opened his eyes.

He was lying, with me half lying on him, our bodies touching and I bent on him, pulling the button off his shirt.

" Myra?? What are you doing?? " He asked again after clearing his throat.

" My hair is stuck in your button. I am trying to untangle it. "

" Oh, ok!! Do it. " He said and kept lying there looking at me.

I was getting very conscious of the position we were lying in there. That damn button needed to be unbuttoned.

" Do something... "  I said as I was getting conscious.

" What? Do you want me to do something?? "  He was looking at me as if I had grown two heads.

" Of course, how will I get up from here otherwise. We can't keep lying like this. " I said out of embarrassment and annoyance. 

" Yes... Tell me what do you want me to do. "  He asked in a very cool manner.

What happened to him, is he still sleeping?

Raj's POV

I could not sleep for a very long time and then I finally slipped into the dream world and saw a dream that Myra and I were in a beautiful garden but I could not see or feel anything other than her.

She was walking ahead of me while I wanted to walk beside her to enjoy the beauty of the garden around us because I could not concentrate on anything else because my mind was occupied with her thoughts and I could not see or enjoy anything else.  

So I caught her hand and pulled her to me. It was such a good feeling, I felt as if I had reached an oasis and everything turned beautiful all of a sudden. The relief was so much that I didn't want to leave her.

I kissed her senselessly and held her tightly to my chest as if she would vanish if I lose her. She seemed to be okay with me holding her, I became very calm and enjoyed the time with her in my arms.

Then after some time, I felt that she removed my hand and tried to get out and the very next moment she winced as if she was in pain.

The beautiful dream was diminishing slowly. Out of disappointment, I opened my eyes and saw that she was bent over me, in fact, half lying on me. Our bodies were touching and she was  pulling the button of my shirt.

Oh, God!!

Am I losing my sanity?? Why am I imagining all these things??

But I could literally feel her soft and warm body snuggled against me.

Was I still dreaming??

No!! I was awake.

" What are you doing?? " I asked but I could not recognize my voice as it seemed to be very low and husky. Maybe it was because I was too pleasantly surprised to see her so close to me.

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