Chapter 49

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Raj's POV

We all were having food, while Ron had not come back till now. What was he so busy with??

I realized that Myra was not eating much.

Why?? Was she missing Manik? Or... Ron?? "

Sia Aunty ask her why she was not eating, my mom was about to say something but Myra shook her head and mom changed the topic.

Chachi said that maybe Myra was not eating food because she wanted to have laddoo instead.

Laddoo?? Wow!! We all forgot everything else.

And right after that Aunty served our favorite sweet dish.


Everyone was so excited and tasted them. They were amazing.

Just then Ron came home. He looked quite happy. What was the matter?

Mom asked him to have food. But he said that he already had food with the Shah family as he wanted to spend some time with Manik. 

He went to meet Manik? And was feeling bad for him??  But then why was he looking so happy??

What a confusion!!

Why did he have to mention Manik's name? I looked at Myra, her smile was gone and she looked upset all of a sudden.

Roohi offered Ron to have laddoo and just like all of us, he was also crazy about them. Roohi asked Myra to pass the plates to him.

  But she winced as soon as she picked the platter.

" What happened?? "  I asked.

" Nothing!! " She said.

But mom told us that she got her right hand burned.

I was shocked and asked how did it happen, and got to know because she wanted to learn to make laddoos.

Ron showed his concern immediately. Why was he feeling so bad for her??

Why does he always say what I want to say? And she dismissed his concern with a smile.

But I was already annoyed because of... I don't know, what bothered me but I was annoyed.

" Who told you to cook? It's absolutely ok if you can't." I caught hold of her hand to examine it and asked in a scolding manner. I was upset to see her like that.

Dad scolded me for my tone and Mom suggested talking sweetly as she was hurt. I  was still holding Myra's wrist and applied ointment to her hand. And asked her to take care of her.

Ron thanked her for laddoo and hugged her with an instruction to take care next time. Why does he have to hug her again and again??

Picking up another laddoo, Ron turned away to go to his room.

" Ron!! Wait. " I said while Ron kept walking.

" What?? I am too tired! " Ron said while his back was still towards me. 

" So am I, But we need to talk. "  I said and before any of us could leave to go to his room, Mom called me back.

" Raj, come here. "

" Five minutes, Mom... I need to talk to him. " I said as I had to finish this conversation.

" That talk can wait... Come here." I took a deep breath and went back.

" What happened, Mom? "

" Myra didn't eat properly as she is having pain in her right hand. So she needs your help,  make her eat well, she can't sleep without eating. " Mom said.

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