Chapter 60

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Raj's POV

As soon as Myra and I arrived at the dinner, my friends whistled.  They all complimented her and said how lucky I am, to have such a beautiful and charming wife.

Of course, Viren and Sujal would say that...

But things quickly took a turn when they started teasing me about being busy with my wife the night before.

Shaurya was the first to speak up. "Hey man, we were just trying to invite you to dinner. We had no idea you were busy with your wife," he said with a smirk on his face.

Before I could say anything, others also joined in.

" We are so honored that Mr busy aka Mr Rajveer Kapoor graced us with his presence. Thank you so much that you could take out some time for us instead of spending some special moments with your wife. "  Shlok said.

" Shut up!! "

" Since you are the only one who is married and busy, will you please enlighten your poor bachelor friends, something about it? Exactly what were you busy doing??" Shaurya said. 

" Shaurya!! Stop It! "

"  Why? You were ready to explain everything in front of the elders and Roohi and Ruhan... Tell us now, we all are of the same age. Friends you see... "  Ron said and laughed.

" Ron! Will you shut up? "  I said.

" Really?? You can tell them but not us???  Not fair! " Shlok said.

" Yes, Ron, you need to shut up so that he can speak and we can all the attention to what he says and learn something from him. "  Shaurya said again.

Sujal and Viren were quick to chime in. "Yeah, we didn't mean to disturb your little love fest. Next time, we'll make sure to text your wife instead, as it is, I had called her only, since you were busy and didn't pick up the call. She handed over the phone to you. Not my fault. "  Sujal said, trying to hold back his laughter.

I could feel my face turning hot and red with embarrassment as they continued to tease us.

"  Enough!! Have some shame!! What would Myra think about all of you?  Have some shame, we have a girl here. Viren, you idiot, they are talking about your sister, tell them to shut up. "  I said.

But they all laughed and teased me more. Myra was just smiling.

" Myra knows all of them and especially me since she was born. She has seen me and Mamu. Our family is famous for being born without a filter in our mouths. Especially Mamu. She is used to it. So don't bother about her, you tell us, are you getting uncomfortable? " Viren asked.

" You idiots, perverts, I was busy taking care of her injured hand. Yesterday she made laddoos for me and her hands got burnt. So I was making her eat food. And I had to wash my hands again and again to answer your calls or texts. She had to take  medicine and you all kept calling me..." I explained.

" Awww... Such a cute and innocent explanation, but last night you were too desperate to end the call as if we disturbed you right in the middle of the action. Please don't insult my intelligence by giving that stupid explanation. You were frustrated... Tell us what were you doing? " Shaurya asked.

" Thank god, I didn't inform him as well or he would have killed me as I was there. I was thinking of going to their room to tell them myself. Thank you, Shaurya, you stopped me well in time. Oh, my parents would have left with only one son. And instead of having a party here, you all would have come to our place to mourn. "  Ron said dramatically.

" That day is approaching very fast, by the way you are behaving these days. Don't irritate me, Ron. "  I glared at him, he should be in my team, here he is teasing me with them.

" See, if I had gone to his room last night, I would have gone to heaven by now. "  Ron said.

" Are you sure, you are not confusing between hell and heaven? As I don't think you could have gone to heaven after breaking the hearts of so many girls. " Viren said.

" Well, I am not like you. I always make things clear in black and white. No strings attached only. I never break their hearts, " Ron said.

" At least three of us are not going to get entry into heaven. And as it is, we have already enjoyed heaven here. " Shaurya said.

" Hey, stop bragging about yourself, come back to teasing him.  He is the guest of honor today. I could not sleep for the whole night, thinking that he shouted at Shaurya. Exactly what were you doing? "  Shlok said.

I looked at Myra and saw that her face was getting red.

"  Ok, fine!! Let's go, Myra. They are a bunch of idiots, there is no point in explaining to them. "  I said.

But she shook her head and took it all in stride, laughing along with them and even joining in on the teasing.

"Oh come on guys, give him a break," She said, pretending to scold them. "He was just being a good husband, taking care of his injured wife. What's wrong with that?" She said. I was shocked.

My friends laughed even harder at her comment.

"Don't worry, we'll leave you two lovebirds alone, provided he tells us, he could not get annoyed just because he was making you eat food and had to wash his hand to pick up the call. You could have held the phone for him. What else happened?  " Shlok said.

"  Shut up!!  I was applying ointment on her hand as it got burnt and then made her eat as her right hand was injured!! " I said.

" Oh, the right hand was injured, so what else did you help her in?? " Shaurya asked.

" Oh, c'mon Raj, you know how stubborn they all are, what is the big deal, tell them and get it over with. " She said.

" Myra!! " I said.

" Raj, Tell them or I will tell, c'mon yaar, for god's sake it is a dinner party. I am hungry. "  She said so coolly as if telling me to share a joke.

" Ooh!! That means there was something... Come out with it and we promise not to disturb you again at night. " Shaurya smiled.

" Nothing!! Have you ordered the food yet? "  I said to distract them and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

" Promise?? " Myra asked.  Shaurya nodded. Rest of them did the same.

" Ok, fine!! He was kissing me and your calls interrupted us again and again. Is that ok? Now stop this stupid discussion and don't make him conscious. "  She said and everyone was shocked for a few seconds.

" Only kissing?? Really?? And he got so angry?? " Shaurya asked.

" Well, we could have gone ahead but thanks to all of you and your constant calls. His phone was ringing continuously.  Ughh!! It was so irritating... He was still talking nicely, I would have shouted, 'Leave us alone, you  bloody, cock blockers!!'  So please don't disturb us again or I will switch off our phones. See, I told you what happened, now Sujal please tell your people to serve food. I am famished. "   She said and all of us kept looking at her, shocked at her boldness.


Good morning friends 😘

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Take good care of yourself and have a great day ahead.

Chhavi 💓💓💞

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