Chapter 17

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Raj's POV

" Raj? Where are you going? Some of the rituals are still to be done. "  Mom said.

" Mom, I am having a splitting  headache. Please either cancel them or do it with her alone. I can't even stand at the moment. " I replied trying to control my frustration.

" What happened to you? Roohi, please see what happened to him." Mom said as Roohi was a doctor.

"  What are you feeling, Bhai?" Roohi asked and checked my pulse.

" Severe headache like migraine."  I lied.

" Oh, it must be because of too much tension and all the stress and fatigue. Ron bhai said that you were in Gym working out for hours. "  She said checking my Blood pressure

" Not for hours... He is always exaggerating don't you know him till now? "  I said.

" Oh, really?? I am exaggerating?  For your kind information, our gym instructor called me and asked me to take you back because you had been working out like mad for more than two hours. Obviously, it is fatigue. " Ron said.

" No!! It is not fatigue... It is you, who gave me this headache."
I shouted at him.

He caught my hand and pulled me to the study as it was soundproof.

" Where are you taking him, Ron?? He is having a headache... " Chachi said.

" I gave him this headache so I am going to treat him as well. Don't worry, he will be fine. "He said pulling me with him.

" Tell me, what is your problem now?? " Ron asked once he closed the door.

" You don't know?? But you always know everything... You know my feelings for her, now tell me what am I feeling right now. And what am I supposed to do with that girl? "  I yelled.

" What do you mean by that??  You loved her and wanted to get married to her,  so she is your wife now. What else do you want?? " 

" I want to run away from here... I don't want to be in the same room as her. Tell me what to do now. "I said.

" Go to your room!! You are married now. Please, don't be angry, talk to her. Things will get sorted out soon. She just kissed a guy, for god's sake, it is not a big thing. "  Ron said.

" Talk to her? Now? You got me in this mess... Why didn't you suggest I talk to her at that time??"

" Her family asked you if you wanted to talk to her. You could have talked at that time. " Ron said.

" But I had already agreed to marry in front of everyone by then. I could not back out later. You don't know what have you got me in."  I yelled.

" I got you in this mess?? I tried to sort your life, you have been sulking since that day in Surat. " Ron explained.

" Who told you to sort things between us? I don't want a  cheater like her. " I said as I was very annoyed.

" Fine!! Curse me all you want. Punish me if you want. But don't behave like this... You know that you still want her. "

" No, I don't. "

" Then why did you agree to get married to her? "

" Because otherwise, you were going to marry her. How could you? "

" Raj, accept it that you like her and could not think of anyone else marrying her. That's why you accepted the proposal. Ok, punch me to a pulp if you think that I did anything wrong. Trust me brother, no one knows you better than me. Forget everything, start afresh. "

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