Chapter 7

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•🕸️Third Person's POV🕸️•

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•🕸️Third Person's POV🕸️•

They stood in front of the castle, Annika was staring up at the building, wondering why this was shut down in the first place. "No way." Shaggy told Daphne, Annika turned to look at the two goofballs.

"Shaggy..." Daphne begged him, she wanted them to go in with her and Annika. "Scoob and me don't do castles." he says seriously. "Why not?" Annika asks her dearest friend curiously.

"Because, castles have paintings with eyes watching you, suits of armor you think is a statue, but there's a guy inside, who follows you everytime you turn around." Shaggy told them, Scooby was acting out every word that came out of his friends mouth. "I'm curious, how many times has this happened before?" Annika asks, staring at Shaggy.

"12. We're not doing it." Shaggy says, putting his foot down. "That's right." Scooby states, agreeing with Shaggy.

Daphne start looking inside her purse. "Scooby?" She took out a Scooby snack, he started whimpering putting out his paw. "Did you hurt your paw? Would you do it for a Scooby snack?" She asks, Scooby started moving around in excitement.

"Oh, boy."

"You'll be fearless?" Daphne asks.

"Fearless?" Scooby was standing in his fighting stance ready to fight, he was punching and kicking the air, Scooby ended up punching Shaggy in the face. "Hong Kong Fuey, watch the fist of fury would you, buddy." Shaggy says holding his nose in pain. Daphne threw the Scooby snack to Scooby. "Here you go."

"Thank you!" Scooby says happily. "There's plenty more where that comes from. Let's go before someone sees." Daphne mumbles, walking to the castle's doors. Annika noticed that Shaggy was just standing there, looking around in fear. "Shaggy, your not really gonna stay outside by yourself are you?" She askd him. "No, thank you." Annika grinned at him, knowing that he was gonna cave in.

Entering the castle made Annika shiver, this place was worse than a child's nightmares. "This place is like uber creepy. " Shaggy says, "Yeah, uber creepy." Scooby mumbles in agreement. "I literally feel like someone is staring at us from each corner of this place." Annika states, freaked out by this entire castle. "The only thing missing is a mindless zombie." Daphne adds. The doors they just entered from slams open, scaring all of them, Shaggy jumped into Scooby's arms, shaking in fear.

Fred made his appearance, as he walked into the castle, Daphne immediately spoke up, "Fred, get back. Annika and I found this place. We call dibs on it's clues." 

Annika didn't agree to help Daphne to get dragged into their childish and immature competition. "I've already found some clues." Fred informed her, he quickly took a glance at Annika, he was memorized by her dark dazzling eyes, shining brightly in the moonlight shining through the windows.


Daphne was caught of guard, surprised that he was able to find something they have missed.

"I followed some weird footprints up here and it might be dangerous for you" Fred states jokingly, but Daphne didn't find it funny at all.  The weird looking grim reaper behind her started moving closer to her.

"If anyone messes with me, I'll just open a can of 2000 year old Chinese whup-ass on them." Daphne states seriously. She started screaming in terror  as a creepy hand touched her shoulder, she jumped away from the thing.

Velma came out from behind it, laughing, but ended up giggling to herself. "Velma!" Shaggy says scared, since he also got a fright. " What are you doing here?" Fred asks Velma, she got serious for a moment. "This ride was closed due to dangerous construction. The most likely place to hatch an insidious plan and I wanted to scare the  patootie out of Daphne." Velma states trying to tickle the other woman, who was not impressed at all.

Annika turned to Shaggy and Scooby, "Do you guys also feel like sometimes, your not even in the room?" She asks curiously. "Like, totally." Shaggy says in agreement and Scooby only nodded in agreement.

"Well since we're all here, let's split up and look for more clues. Daphne..." Fred got interrupted by Velma who gave him an apologetic smile. Annika noticed this look on Velma and Daphne, that's when she knew they were up to something.

"It might be better if Daphne and I exit through the entrance, then Fred and Annika should enter through the exit there, that leaves Shaggy and Scooby to do what they always do." Velma told them the plan.

Annika was shooting the other two woman with daggers, they only smiled at her innocently.


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