Chapter 23

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👻Annika's POV👻

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👻Annika's POV👻

"Thank you!"

"See if I can get my mechanic's job back."

The two guys said in sync making their way out of the manor after Daphne and I got them out of their cages, or cell. Shaggy and Scooby bought some cookies from the girl which came with no suprise.

"Twenty, Thirty..."

"Thanks for the cookies."

"Forty, Fifty. Welcome! Sixty, Seventy..."

The girl also stepped out of the manor still counting her money happily. I took a look around, cobwebs and dust everywhere. Old man Wickles didn't look like the type who likes to clean one bit.

"Okay, gang. Let's, like, split up and search for clues." Shaggy says, pointing his cookie at all of us. "Scoob and I will go this way. Come on, Scoob!" He adds as the two goofballs walked down one of the many hallways.

"He stole my thing that I say!" Fred states in disbelieve, I pat him on his arm as the rest of us walked the other way.

"Shining footprints." Daphne points out on some stairs. "The glow is similar to the pterodactyl scale." Velma adds taking a closer look, we decided to follow the footsteps that led us to some sort of library.

"It looks like Wickles shares Jacobi's fascination with the supernatural. He collects everything from Piri Reis to Alister Crowley." Velma says, catching a glimpse of some of the names on the books. "He collects a lot of dust." I spoke up staring at all the dusty books.

"No. The dust is good. We can tell what he's been reading lately." Fred tells us, as he starts looking all over the bookcase.

"Like here!"

Fred grabs the one book that wasn't covered with any dust, flipping through it. "What is it?" Daphne asks trying to get a closer look.

Velma had a look of realization as she traced her fingers over the cover. "It's an absolute Celtic text used by secret societies in the Mid-19th century." She informs us, Fred opened up the book, and on the first page was a list of names of every person who has possessed this book, and the last name on the page is someone we all know.

"Looks like this book belonged J. Jacobo." I point out the name at the bottom of the page. "The original Pterodactyl Ghost." Daphne adds, as we all stared at each other in question.

"Maybe he gave it to Wickles before he died." Fred says, walking to the table placing the book down, Velma took over trying to read what is written inside.

"Can you read it?" Daphne asks.

"It's an amalgamation of magic and science." Velma says, I gave Fred a worried look, he also looked as troubled as I was. "Here's a list of ingredients on how to create your own carbon-based organic, composite predators." Velma read from the book, I was hoping it wasn't what I thought it was, but of course I had to be wrong.

"This is an instruction manual on how to create monsters." Velma says in realization, as Fred finished her sentence with her. I wasn't sure how this could possibly exist.

Shaggy and Scooby's screams rang throughout the manors walls making all of us look up in panic, those two won't scream for no reason.

"Let's go!" Velma says grabbing the book, as we ran following the screams.

Their screams filled with fear led us to a room that looked sort of like a living room, but a lot more spacious than your average living room.

The two blocked one of the doors with some of the furniture, but the Black Knight Ghost was still present in the room.

Fred ran into the area with a sword and a shield he grabbed in the hallway.

"Yo, metalhead!"


The Black Knight Ghost's attention turns towards us. "Bring it!" Fred states holding the shield a bit higher to protect himself. The ghost knocks the shield five times in Fred's face making him take a few steps back.

"He brought it." He says, falling back, unconscious.

The knight came charging at an unconscious Fred, when Daphne stopped him. "Daphne! Hold him off!" Velma yells opening the book. "I'll look in the book, maybe there's a formula for finding his weakness." Velma states.

The two of them moved out into another area, I ran straight to Fred to get him up and awake. "Come on, Fred. Wake up!" I say shaking his shoulders. Shaggy and Scooby joined my side trying to wake up Fred.

After awhile of struggling and shaking, I came to a decision to give him a hard slap through his face, making him sit up straight holding his cheek, staring at me in shock.

"Couldn't you just wake me up with a kiss? Why'd you slap me?" Fred questions me.

"We have to get out of here." Was the only response I gave him, getting up, I ran to where the other two girls were. Velma kicked the ghost right where it would hurt.

"Right in the roundtables!"


We ran out of the manor, straight to the van, to go straight to headquarters.


(A/N- I apologize for the late updates but I'll make up for it by posting a few more chapters.)*

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