Chapter 9

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•🕸️Third Person's POV🕸️•

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•🕸️Third Person's POV🕸️•

The gang met up in one of the many passageways located inside of the castle. "Velma and I found a neat and scary clue." Daphne informs the rest of the gang. "Fred and I discovered that this might be a brain washing facility to an evil cult." Annika told them, the information they gathered.

"This might just be the sacred relic, they worship then." Velma says,  pointing at the thing in Daphne's hands. "We're all gonna be relics if we don't get out of here, man." Shaggy spoke up as he heard the people getting closer to them.

From both sides came a group of people, meeting each other in front of five statues. "Sir, they found the Daemon Ritus." one of the guys says to another, dressed in a mexican wrestler costume.

He picked up a very small man looking him straight in his eyes. "For your sake, they better not have gone far." He sneers at the little man, throwing him to the ground. "It's time to summon the big muchachos." he ordered the rest, walking away from the gang was dressed up as the statues, the employee's of Spooky Island were just standing in front of.

Annika was so slim that she hid behind the armor Fred was hiding in. "Oh no!"  Shaggy says, just before he farted and the fire by Velma ended up making a small explosion.

The quickly ran out of the castle, when it was save. They were laughing together and all of them could say that they really missed solving mysteries together as a gang.

The gang made their way back to the hotel, the owner spot the cheerful group. "Mystery Inc,  you all you seem rather cheery, good news i hope?" he asks them.

"Mr Mononeudeosis?" Fred asks, mispronouncing the owner's name, making the older man sigh in annoyance.


Velma takes out the Daemon Ritus. "We have hit a clue smorgasbord." Fred told him as Velma shows him the Daemon Ritus.

"We have three suspects as to who's behind the evil hoody." Daphne informs him. Mr Emile gave them a questioning look.

"N'Goo. He believes your theme park's been built on enchanted ground." Velma says to him. Annika spoke up next, "The voodoo man, who screwedly tricked Daphne and i going to the castle." 

Fred pointed at Mr Emile. "And you!"

"Me?" Mr Emile asks not understanding how he could be suspected.

"Gang, let's split up. We'll meet back here in half hour. I'll interview employees,  see if they've noticed anything odd." Fred says looking at the gang. "I'm gonna get to work translating these inscriptions that Daphne and I found." Velma says looking at her purple dressed friend.

"I'll go research cults on the net." Daphne says high fiving Velma before going their separate ways. "I'm a suspect?" Mr Emile asks looking at the remaining still standing. "Don't take it personally, it's mostly, because you creep me out." Fred told him. "Oh, I see, fine!" Mr Emile says, walking away.

Annika was about to walk away, when Fred stopped her in her tracks. "What are you gonna do?" he asks her curiously. "I'll be at the bar having a drink." Annika told him, after all that running and hiding she needed a cold one. "After i'm done doing the interviews, will it be ok if i join you?" Fred nervously asks, with a small smile, she nodded at him, before disappearing from his sight.

Annika went to get dressed more comfortably, before taking a seat by the bar once again. She saw Velma at the other end, having a conversation with a guy. Shaggy was with the girl who sat next him to him on the plane.

She took a sip of the famous Spookapalooza, it turned out to be actually really good. Fred finally appeared after finishing all the interviews with the employees,  he looked everywhere, untill he saw her sitting comfortably at the bar, it never mattered where they were, she always somehow stood out to him.

Fred made his way to her. Fred have no idea how he suddenly got a lot of courage as he neared her. Annika was surprised with a kiss on her cheek, she turned around, ready to kick whoever dared, but was surprised to see it was only Fred.

"What was that for?" She asks sitting back down. "Take it as a compliment, you look beautiful." Fred told her, Annika could feel her cheeks heat up.

The two started having a very deep conversation about the two years,  they missed in each other's life's. A little while later their conversation was interrupted by Scooby jumping all over the place, yelling. "Help me! Help me! Monsters!"


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