Chapter 30

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👻Annika's POV👻

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

👻Annika's POV👻

"Hey. My first multiple-resonance imaging device. Made out of a crystal radio and old video games." Velma says pointing at the device standing in the middle of the room, she suddenly stopped staring at it more attentively.

"Wait a minute." She says, which made all of us look at her curiously. "Randamonium has an algorithmic cross-currency of negative 4.121. With it, maybe… Well, just maybe…" Velma says, giving everyone just a little bit of hope.

"We could reverse the current and reverse the monster-making process!" Fred spoke up, cutting Velma off, getting up from his seat. Daphne and I stared at each other, just before our attention went back to Velma.

"All we need to do is rewire the control panel…"  Velma says.

"Bring it back to the Monster Hive and plug it into the base." Daphne suddenly spoke up, joining us by the device.

"Push the button…"

"Instead of creating monster, it would make all of them be destroyed." I state, we all looked at each other, finally having some hope that we would be able to put an end to this mystery for good.

Velma did the equations that needed to be done, which she showed Daphne what part would be needed to replace in the control panel, I had to take parts of the panel and replace them by the once Daphne handed over to me, and Fred was incharge of working the flamethrower, melting the metal we would be needing.

Velma slowly gave instructions as the only thing left to do was connect some of the wiring, but we got distracted by a yell coming from outside.

"Captain Cutler’s Ghost!" Shaggy yells loudly, we all stared out the window to see the ghost coming from the lake.

"They found us. Finish that in the van when we get to the Monster Hive." Fred instructs, putting his jacket back on, he grabbed the flamethrower and Velma took the control panel, making our way out of the clubhouse, straight to the van.

"Go, Fred! Hit it!"

Fred just started driving away, when two fish arrows came through the back doors of the van, almost piercing the necks of the two goofballs, who was closest to the door.

"What do we do?" We all asked Fred in panic.

"Fine. Let’s go back!" Fred states, putting the van in reverse. "That’s the wrong way!" Shaggy says, in fear as the van drove backwards hitting captain cutler making him fly and fall into the water, far away from us. Fred immediately drove away from the clubhouse as fast as he could.


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