Chapter 28

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👻Annika's POV👻

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👻Annika's POV👻

"You girls find anything?" Fred asks, the other two, who was still down on the ground, but we were stopped in our tracks by a growl. There were monsters standing everywhere.

"He did it!" Scooby says, shaking Shaggy's arms.


"Fred, disconnect that control panel! Maybe it'll stop the machine!" Velma yells out, Fred ran, sliding down the ladder, I followed his lead as he grabs panel, ducking just in time as Miner 49er breaths fire in his direction.

Captain Cutler grabbed his weird looking weapon ready to shoot at Fred, it felt like my heart got caught in my throat. Fred jumped, rolling over Zombie's back, to avoid the arrows. He grabs ahold of my arm pulling me with him, so that we could get away before the Tar Monster could grab at us.

"Come on, this way! Quick, the elevator!" Shaggy yells, taking us to a very old fashioned looking elevator, but another monster appeared trying to stop us from getting out.

"Like, the 10 000 Volt Ghost!"

We ducked our heads while we ran under it trying not to get electrocuted to a crisp.

"Come on, Scoob!"

We all got in, hoping the elevator would move a little faster.

"We're gonna die!" Shaggy says in panic.

"Think positive!" Daphne tells him.

"We're gonna die quickly!" Shaggy yells trying to sound positive.

The elevator finally came to a stop. "Wait for me!" The 10 000 Volt Ghost shriek trying to get us through the lights, taking slow steps backwards, staring up at the monster infront of us. The sudden appearance of the skeleton men, had us running, but it also separated us from Shaggy and Scooby.

"Come on, girls!" Fred yells as we were still being chased by Sparky. We  made it outside, running straight for the Mystery Machine. "Hurry up, gang. We need to find Shaggy and Scooby." Fred says getting into the van in a hurry. Sparky was still chasing us.

"End of the line Mystery Inc! Die!"

It shot an electrical current to the train tracks that was very close to the van, Fred reversed out of the Old Mining Town as quickly as he could, we ended up losing Sparky, now we just had to find Shaggy and Scooby.

"Uh, guys..." I spoke up, pointing up at the mountain not that far from where we were driving. The two goofballs were sliding down the mountain, and the skeleton men following right behind them.

Fred stopped the van just in time, and it gave me enough time to open the door as the two crashed into the van, their fall looked rather painful and uncomfortable.

"Scoob, Shags. You guys okay?" I ask staring at the two. "Sure. As long as you define okay as in massive agony." Shaggy mutters out painfully.

"We should get back to headquarters." Fred speaks up, as he started driving. I got up to climb in the front seat, turning to look at him. "No! Where do you think they'll go look for us first?" I ask him. The look on his face broke my heart, he looked so hopeless.

"I think I know where to go." Velma spoke up, all heads turning to her in question.


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