Chapter 21

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•👻Annika's POV👻•

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•👻Annika's POV👻•

"The higher the pedestal the harder the fall, and Mystery Inc fell far in the embarrassing debacle that tarnished the reputation of the once great gang."

I was seated on the stairs, seeing how Fred's face fell as we were watching the news.

"It was an utter disaster as two of the gang's key members Norville Shaggy Rogers and Scoobert Scooby Doo caused untold damage to Coolsville's hottest new tourist attraction which took a full two years to complete. When asked for comment, Fred Jones, leader of Mystery Inc, said this: Coolsville can solve it's problems without us."

"I didn't say that! I mean... I did, but that's out of context." Fred states in frustration, I got up in anger. "This is Heather Jasper-Howe, disillusioned from Coolsville." I put the TV off only staring at the black screen.

"It's all my fault, I'm the one who told Shaggy and Scooby to get the ropes." Velma spoke up.

"No, Velma, it's my fault. I should have checked if the rope was tied before Fred and Annika let go." Daphne says sadly.

I was boiling, I had a feeling that woman had it out for us, but nobody listened to me, she was trying to drag us down, but why?

"It's my fault too, we all know how Shaggy and Scooby can be, but it's all right, we just need to stay strong, in control and work fast." Fred says getting up from his chair.

"Come on, gang. Let's get to the lab. We'll figure a way out of this Jurassic jumble." Velma states, making her way to the lab.

"You coming Anni?" Daphne asks.


I followed behind them, to the lab, we started doing research, and doing tests on the scale Velma found.

"Right, like, it's time to solve the mystery. Let's kick this investigation up to an 11." Shaggy says, waltzing into the lab, Scooby by his side.

"What the heck are you guys doing?" Fred asks chuckling at the two, a small smile grazed my lips at my two best friends, even when we're all down, they lift our spirits atleast a little bit.

"We figured the first step in solving a mystery would be to wear the right attire. I'm sorry Daph, but your go-go boots didn't fit... Me!" Shaggy told Daphne with seriousness in his voice. Scooby was modeling the shoes to her, proudly, making me giggle.

"Scooby! Those so don't go with that sweater." Daphne states, not very impressed with Scooby's fashion choice, she got up from her chair, joining Velma and I.

"Really?" Scooby asks.

The results of the scale printed out, Shaggy took it from Velma's hands. "Clues! Alas what are these strange markings?" Shaggy asks staring at the paper. Fred took the paper, turned it around giving it back to Shaggy.

"Words." Fred states.

"Ahh! Words!" Shaggy says, pulling his face. "Scooby Doo take notes." He states, showing Scooby the paper. Scooby took out a pencil and a notebook.


"Come on, you kooks." Velma mutters taking her paper back, looking at the results. "It's come back positive. This is a real Pterodactyl scale." Velma informs us, my thoughts questioning themselves on how that could be possible.

"Precisely!" Shaggy says, holding his finger in the air.

Fred was giving Shaggy a weirded out look as he spoke up. "That masked figure was out to humiliate us."

"Could it be someone we've unmasked before?" I ask, Daphne got up walking across the room to another computer. We followed closely behind her.

"But who would be able to make a real Pterodactyl Ghost?" Velma asks, Daphne brought up information of one of the people we've unmasked before. "The original Pterodactyl Ghost, Dr Jonathan Jacobo." Daphne says.

"That's right! Jacobo wreaked havoc in a statewide crime spree. Jacobo stole millions, which he used to finance his failed experiments trying to create monsters." Velma explained.

"You think Jacobo's behind this?" Fred asks Velma.

"That's impossible. He attempted a prison escape three years ago. They never found his body, since he was lost at sea." I told him, remembering reading about it.

"How about this?" Daphne asks, bringing up another of our foes on screen. "Jacobo's cellmate was released from prison two months ago. Jeremiah Wickles." Daphne tells us.

"The Black Knight Ghost. That was one of the costumes that was stolen." Fred points out.

"Right. And..."

Our attention turned to Shaggy, waiting for him to finish what he wanted to say. "Scooby Doo! What's your conclusion?" Shaggy asks his friend. Scooby turns the notebook around showing us a picture.


"It seems old man Wickles deserves a visit before any of our other creepy conquests make a comeback." Velma says, we all nodded our heads in agreement.


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