Chapter 27

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👻Annika's POV👻

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👻Annika's POV👻

We entered a hidden lab, which had a bunch of experiments the entire room full.

"This Schwarzeneggian oof almost destroyed us." An unfamiliar voice spoke up from behind us. I span around to see a completely unexpected sight. Shaggy looks like one of those buff college boys and Scooby looks like a dog version of Einstein.

"Go boom!" Shaggy says, laughing.

"You are embarrassing!" Scooby says throwing something at Shaggy, he jumps from the wall, he took a sip of the stuff threw at Shaggy, transforming back to their normal goofy selves.

"That was almost exactly like my freshman year in college." Shaggy says, taking a deep breath.

"What are you guys doing here? You're supposed to be sick, Scooby." Daphne scolds the two. I could only shake my head at the two. Fred didn't seem to be happy with their actions of running off on their own.

"I invented a potion." Scooby states happily.

"You lied to us. We're a team. You don't just go off half-wacked doing whatever you want." Fred also scolds them, but the two goofballs had no regret on their faces.

"Hey gang." Velma calls out to us, the little explosion caused by Shaggy and Scooby created a hole in the wall.

"Beware who enters the monster Hive. Inside your fears will come alive." I read from the wall, where there was strange lettering engraved on the wall. "When did you learn to read that?" Fred asks impressed. "Velma thought me a few things in my spare time." I say like it was no big deal at all.

Stepping through the hole we were met with an unlikely sight.

"Oh my..."

A huge machine was infront of us, with all the costumes from the museum hanging on the one side.

"Look! It's the costumes from the museum!" Fred points out to the others.


"Miner 49er."

"Captain Cutler."

"I bet they're all here." Fred states.

"So he uses the costumes to create real monsters which could only mean..." I say, staring at the others. "He needs the costumes to make the monsters, which implies..." Fred continue saying, the puzzle slowly coming together. "He already had a Pterodactyl Ghost costume, somehow, which implies..." Daphne adds, a look of realization crossing Velma's face.

"Patrick's the one." Velma mutters.

"Velma's in love." Daphne says smiling at our friend.

"I don't think that's what she meant, Daph." I say to my purple dressed friend.

"No, I mean the one. The bad guy." Velma states. "That's why he wanted to go out with me, to see what we knew." She adds looking down sadly.

"We just saw Patrick at the bad guys' hangout. He was working both sides of psycho street." Shaggy says, adding more fuel to Velma's sadness.

"I don't know who's behind this, but we don't need him transforming more costumes. Let's find a way to shut down this monster maker for good." Fred says, his eyes already moving around to look if he could see anything that might be of help.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to look at Daphne, she pointed out a path lit with a red light. "What's over there?" I asked walking toward the red light.

"This light is strange." Daphne says following right behind me, Fred and Velma not that far behind us, but the only thing we found was some stairs leading up, I immediately climbed up to get a better look, when I looked behind me, Fred was following me.

"Anni, are you mad at me for some reason? Because I've tried to figure out why you have barely talked to me, and you don't even look at me anymore. Did I do something wrong?" Fred asks, his voice soft, he sounded sad. I knew he was gonna ask eventually, it's just Fred isn't the type to talk about things that bothers him.

"Fred, you did nothing wrong. It's just ever since this Evil Masked Figure appeared, everything started going wrong, and Heather's, flirting all sweetly with you to trying to destroy us personality just pisses me off, so no I'm not mad at you I just have a lot on my mind." I say.

His eyes was staring into the side of my face, it made me look towards him, waiting for him to say something, but he only took slow steps closer to me, when he finally stopped infront of me, he placed one of his hands on my cheek.

"Your cute when your jealous." He whispers softly.

"I am not jea..."

He cut me off with his lips on mine, I'll never admit it to him, but I have missed those lips of his.

I kissed back, a small smile forming on my face, when he pulled back, his face was lit up with that beautiful smile I love so much.


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