Chapter 26

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👻Annika's POV👻

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👻Annika's POV👻

We arrived at the Old Mining Town, the drive was unpleasantly quiet, each of them troubled with their thoughts. "So what's your assessment, Velmster?" Fred asks, stopping the van.

"This place seems harmless enough. " Velma states getting out of the van.

"I mean, whether the evil masked figure could've gotten his randamonium from here at the mine?" Fred asks his focus on the mystery.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about Patrick. He seemed so upset when he left." Velma sadly says looking into the distance, she must be really worried to stare into the distance like that ever since that Evil masked figure appear each one of us look down in the dumps.

"Right. So..."

"And.... he doesn't like me."

"Okay, so your assessment is?"

"Love stinks."

"Fred?" Daphne calls for his attention. Fred looked to his right in question. "Do you think I'm just a pretty face?" she asks him, Heather really got to her with that statement.

"No." he state, before correcting himself. "I mean, yes."

Daphine looked up at him in disbelief. "I mean, not fat. Definitely not fat. Is this sort of what your looking for?" Fred asks uncertain, I could only shake my head at him, I thought he would at least know to never use the word fat infront of a girl.

"Fat? Why would you even use that word?" Daphne questions him, I pulled my face knowing he was in for it now.

My attention got grabbed towards the building infront of us where lights were on.

"Never again will they underestimate us. That's right, I've gathered you here today for something big at last. All these years of careful planning have culminated in this one glorious moment."

Fred just stormed into the building without any notice that he was gonna enter the building. "Old Man Wickles, caught red handed in your faul monster making scheme with your ugly evil henchmen." He says with all seriousness.

Old Man Wickles stared at us in discomfort, a bunch of men in suits stepped into the light. "Henchmen? Young man, we're investors and we're listening to his pitch." One of the men corrected, Fred placing. His finger on his mouth telling all of us to stay quiet.

Old Man Wickles moved around to stand behind his investors placing his arms around their shoulders.

"So as I was saying the Old Tyme Mining Town, a summer camp for kids where they can have an authentic mining experience. They can dig for 18 hours straight, just like in the golden days of yore. They have the time of their lives and we get free miners." Mr Wickles told his investors happily laughing, it sounded like a pretty great idea.

"Mr Wickles, we need to ask you about your ties to recent monster attacks." Velma spoke up, stepping closer to them.

"I don't know nothing about no monsters." He says with a straight face.

"Then what about the randamonium that was on the floor of your mansion?" I ask, he got out from behind all the investors, pointing towards the floor. "There's randamonium all over the place. I come home with it in my shorts." He says.

"Are you continuing the work of your  old pal Jonathan Jacobo?" Fred asks in an excusing tone, taking a few steps forward.

"Old pal? Jacobo?" Mr Wickles asks confusion in his voice, something told me that we had this whole thing, read wrong. "We hated each other. In prison cafeteria he used to steal my Tater Tots! And he got the lead in my fair lady." He added, in a very unhappy tone.

"Then why did we find the monster book in your library?" Velma asks him calmly, looking at Old Man Wickles, a look of realization ran across his face.

"Wait a seconds. You're the runts that vandalized my home. Which one of you stole my toilet brush?" Mr Wickles asks raising his voice and the toilet brush, I was pretty sure it was Scooby's work.

Everyone in the room was looking at each other feeling the awkwardness.

"Gentlemen." One of the investors spoke up to get the others attention.

"I'm sorry Jeremiah." He said walking out, the other investors following behind him, I felt sorry for the poor guy, we might have destroyed a possible future he could create for himself.

"What happened? I haven't finished! Wait fellas!" Mr Wickles yells after them, his glare was immediately fixed on all of us.

An explosion went off in the building, catching us off guard, we stared at each other in shock.

"Let's go!"


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