Chapter 13

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🕸️CHAPTER 13🕸️

•🕸️Third Person's POV🕸️•

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•🕸️Third Person's POV🕸️•

Velma's protoplasm left the cave going through the forest. "Jinkies!" She yelled, her possessed body heard her, it turned around to see what it was, that's when her protoplasm returned to her body, and the monster came out. She heard roaring and saw a blurred figure Infront of her. She felt for her glasses, when she put it on, she saw the monster explode, she only stared at the spot it previously stood, the puzzle pieces coming together in her mind.

Fred's protoplasm went to the hotel, but he had no idea what he was doing. "How do you drive this thing?" He asks, his body wasn't that far from him. "The darkopolyse ritual is upon us. Gather what you need for the ceremony."

"On your right. The left." He kept on struggling steering his protoplasm. "I'm coming good looking!" He yelled, but missed the chance to enter his body, when the monster in his body entered the bathroom closing the door on him and he was shot in another direction.

Velma saw Daphne and Annika's bodies up ahead in the weird hallway, that maybe a path down to the caves under Spooky Island, outside she saw two protoplasms heading in her direction.

"Yo, yo, you, yo!" Velma spoke up grabbing the two's attention. When she got closer to them, she pushed both into a room, when the protoplasms entered the room, Velma closed the door, locking it, she ran to the closed blinds when the protoplasms entered their bodies. The monsters appeared.

"You could use a little sunlight." Velma says opening up the blinds letting the light in. The light touching the monsters skin made them explode Infront of Daphne and Annika who was staring at the horrified.

"That's one part of the mystery solved. The creatures must need our bodies to survive sunlight. Like a human suit. SPF 10 000 000, but what are they doing here in the first place?" Velma informed them. Daphne turned to look at her, "but how do we find that out?" Daphne asks.

They turned to Annika who was acting unlike herself. "Anni, you okay?" Velma asks the girl. "Yeah, but I'm not Annika." Fred's voice was clear when he spoke up. "Fred?" The two asks him bewildered.

"I couldn't get to my body. I didn't know where else to go. I panicked! It's not easy to steer when you're pure spirit." Fred tried to explain himself. Velma and Daphne just looked at him not believing a word he was saying.

Fred looked down at Annika's body, smirking. "I can look at myself naked." He says, making the other two woman look at him in disgust.

"Oh brother."

Annika's protoplasm ended up in Fred's body. She's gotten a massive headache and took no notice of the monster infront of her, not even when it explode, she looked down to see what he was wearing, it didn't suit him one bit, she went to change and made her way to the forest.

•🕸️Annika's POV🕸️•

Entering the forest, alone was never ideal, but I had to find the others. I saw Velma and Daphne, aswell as me, Fred was roaming his hands all over. "Don't enjoy it too much." I spoke up, they looked up towards me.

"Annika?" Velma asks, staring at me in bewilderment. "I still think he planned this somehow, didn't he?" Daphne asks looking at Fred in my body. "Hey good looking." Fred says circling me. I only winked at him.

"Tell me you guys are you?" Shaggy asks cautiously stepping closer. "Fred keeps touching Annika." Daphne points out. "Fred let's keep the touching for the bedroom." I told him, with a wink smiling cheekily.

"Kind of makes you nostalgic for the homicidal creatures, doesn't it?" Velma asks. "I stole this, I hope it helps." Shaggy says putting the Daemon Ritus on the rock. Velma when to take a closer look, "The Daemon Ritus."

I could feel when my protoplasm left Fred's body, and when it entered another's, looking down I noticed it to be Daphne's. "Well atleast I'm not in one of the boys body." Daphne says in my body. "Yippee for you." Velma says in Fred's body, looking very unhappy. "Man, like, why am I wearing a dress?" Shaggy asks in Velma's body, moving her hips. "Everyone remain calm. Velma the hecks going on?" Fred asks in Shaggy's body. "If my calculations are correct, due to the unstable nature of protoplasm in proximity of the Daemon Ritus, we're simply going to continue randomly changing bodies until..."

My protoplasm left Daphne's body entering another's once again. "Until the protoplasm realigns with the appropriate body." Velma says in Shaggy's body. "Now I'm Fred." Daphne complained. "Daph, what's wrong with you? Don't you ever eat?" Shaggy asks rubbing her stomach, his/her face showing he was in pain.

One last swap and I was in my own body again. "I'm me!" Fred says happily.

"I'm back."

"Like, me too."

"Told you so!"

An explosion went off behind us, by the beach. "What in the world was that?" I asks looking at the smoke.

"Oh no."

"Let's go." Fred said to me, following the smoke.


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