2: Frenemy

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Annabeth POV

I groaned while another dress was placed into my arms. Currently, both my arms were outstretched, and about a dozen dresses were hanging on them. The various fabrics and colors morphed into one, especially because I had no interest in this.

A loud groan echoed from my right. Thalia finally seemed to have enough because she dropped on the clothes on the ground and kicked them.

Piper gasped like she just kicked a baby.

"How could you do that?" Piper screeched before picking up the clothes. We were in the clearance section at Macy's.

"Why are we even shopping?" Thalia shouted back. i nodded along. One reason why Thalia and I are best friends is our mutual hate for shopping.

"We need to buy dresses for the upcoming school year," Hazel said while picking out another gold dress. "How does this one look?"

"That looks the same as the other three in your cart," Thalia huffed.

"I hate to say it, Hazel, but Thalia is right. Why are you only picking gold dresses? You can pick out other styles and colors," I answered honestly and logically.

"But, my favorite color is gold, and Frank likes me in gold too," Hazel blushed after saying the second part of the sentence. I grinned while placing all the dresses in my arms into piper's cart. My arms had white scratches from the sequin gowns scratching me.

"Frank loves you anyway," Piper exclaimed cheerfully.

Hazel blush darkened as she turned away quickly. Hazel and Frank had recently started dating, and they were so cute together. Thalia chuckled before crossing her arms around her black rock&roll skull shirt. A scowl entered her face again.

Thalia looked at me sternly, waiting for me to enter the argument. It was hard to have a one-on-one debate with Piper; we always had to team up.

"But, seriously, why are we clothes shopping for school in July?" I asked, using logic to make my point come across. "We have so much time. This isn't what I had in mind when you and Hazel suggested a girls day."

"What else would it be?" Piper countered. She had a point.

I sighed while staring at the aisles and aisles of clothes surrounding us. I don't wear dresses that often anyway, so most of these things were a waste for me. "This is so dumb," Thalia continued to grumble.

"Okay, now, it's time to try on all these clothes," Piper suggested. A smirk plastered on her face, aimed at Thalia who was glaring.

I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly, a loud ping echoed through the aisle. At first, I wasn't sure whose phone it was until the three girls started staring at me. To be honest, I would consider myself an intellectual. I don't get messages a lot unless its from my friends, who are right here with me.

I scrambled to get my phone before looking at the message. It was an assignment for the school paper, which I was a writer for.

As soon as I read the assignment, I couldn't help but glare.

"You're not Medusa, Annabeth. No matter how hard you glare, you're phone won't turn to stone. Hate doesn't work that way in the real world," Piper said.

"What is it?" Thalia asked, ignoring Piper.

I groaned while texting back. I accepted the assignment despite my desire not to. It was my job as a school newspapers writer to do my assignments. Even if that meant I had to spend time and talk to thick-headed idiots.

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