18: Party

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Annabeth POV

I knew I wanted to be with Percy.

I've never been with anyone else like him. Percy is one of the most loyal and caring people I know. He's always out to make everyone around him feel good or feel better. Also, Percy is the most driven person when he has a goal in mind.

Never did I imagine that Percy Jackson--the easy-going bright personality who sits next to me in biology and annoys me all class--could work so hard for his swimming career.

Percy was sacrificing a lot to pursue his passions, and I loved that.

He has a lot going on in his life, but I don't think a relationship with me would hinder him. If anything, I have faith that our relationship would only strengthen us. Strengthen him.

"Annabeth, you're zoning out again?" Piper stated.

"No, I'm not. You're talking about what to where for the party. You're debating between the purple dress or the pink one," I answered quickly.

"That was the topic of conversation five minutes ago."

I groaned while laying back down on Piper's bed. I was currently at Piper's house, and we were going through her closet to find clothes to wear. Silena Beauregard, the school sweetheart and prom queen candidate, was hosting a party for the senior class.

She said that the party would be a celebration for getting through college application season. Silena also noted that a party would get our minds off of stressing about the results.

"Annabeth, what is going on? You're freaking me out," Piper asked.

"Nothing bad, I promise," I hesitated. "Look, Piper, there's something that I didn't tell you."

Piper was suddenly too interested. She rushed towards the purple-sheeted bed and stared at me intently. Her hands clutched mine really tightly.

"Since when do we keep secrets from each other," Piper whined.

"Stop being so dramatic. This is why I didn't tell you," I answered, chuckling. Piper waited for me to continue, slightly irritated.

"I kissed Percy over Winter Break," I said simply.

Piper blinked and then blinked again. here she was being dramatic again; I'm pretty sure she gets it from her mom and dad. I braced myself just in time to intercept her tackle hug. Piper squealed happily in my ear.

Then, she stood up and started screaming at the top of her lungs. I couldn't help but laugh along as "IT'S ABOUT TIME" resonated through the room over and over.

"So, what are you going to do?" Piper asked suddenly.

"I don't know. I told Percy how I feel, but I didn't get a response yet. You know how busy Percy is, and his coaches increased his swimming regimen as well."

"Okay, but we need to get to the bottom of this. Jason and I need another couple to go on double dates with since Frank and Hazel are too shy to make moves on each other. Percy's the opposite of shy though," Piper said all in one breath.

"How did you make this about yourself?" I retorted.

Piper ignored the question.

"So, how did it happen?" Piper pried for the details. Her smile glowing.

I sighed but answered, "Percy came back to New York from Winter Nationals on Christmas day. Even though it was late and he was tired, Percy still got me a present..."

I had to pause as Piper squealed loudly and excitedly.

"Percy got me a present, and it was a beautiful Cinderella Castle because he remembered that one of my best childhood memories happened at Disney World. I was just so happy, and I knew that I liked him. So, I kissed him," I explained.

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