19: Anger & Stress

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Percy POV


Octavian was having his goons hold Annabeth against the chair. Octavian was scared of me and Beckendorf together, so he was holding Annabeth as a block.

"No way, Percy. I'm not stupid to think that you'll just let me go," he grumbled.

"Even if he does, I won't," Charles threatened.

Silena was passed out upstairs thanks to what Octavian gave her. Something like that wasn't going to slide.

I couldn't believe that Jason, Piper, and Annabeth got themselves into this mess.

I watched Jason groan against Piper's hands. She was crying as she dabbed his bloody nose. He didn't look too good right now.

"Percy, don't get in the fight," Annabeth told me. She winced as the other guys tightened their grip on her. "You can't risk fighting or drugs."

"I know I can't, but I'm not just leaving you," I said.

Just an hour ago, I told her that I wanted to be with her. Even if this wasn't her fault, I was so angry. I was angry that are lives just couldn't go smoothly. Here I was actively choosing to put myself in harms way for Jason and Annabeth. They put themselves in this situation where I felt stuck to help.

My fatal flaw is loyalty according to my mother, and I couldn't just walk away without helping. I'd try to help no matter who it was, but Jason and Annabeth knew better than this.

I felt like I was in a monsters den filled with alcohol and drugs. I wanted to run away.

"Octavian, I don't want to fight. Just let Annabeth go," I yelled with conviction.

He shook his head.

His hand with the mystery liquid moved closer to Annabeth's mouth.

That was it. Something in me snapped.

I made my decision even if it was a bad idea. Even if I might regret it later.

Beckendforf and I charged against Octavian and his gang. I grabbed Octavian's wrist and pulled him hard. My knee caught his stomach hard. Beckendorf being a football player was a really big threat against the other guys as he fought them.

Beck was fueled by seeing Silena in the state she was in upstairs.

I was fueled by anger and panic that Octavian tried to hurt Annabeth. I rushed at Octavian again, but I wasn't expecting him to tackle me from the front.

Pain shot into my right ankle as I landed on the floor. I landed hard.

I kicked Octavian and came to my feet. My right foot was aching, but adrenaline covered it up. I walked to z Annabeth, grabbing her hand and dragging her away. She helped me gather Jason and we walked away from the fight.

Piper kicked Octavian in the face as we passed. Her colorful eyes shone with rage.

Remind me not to mess with Piper ever.

Jason's arms were around mine and Piper's shoulders as we dragged him to the car. Annabeth ran in front of us to get the car started. The cold air was biting my right ankle and each step burned.

Finally, I yelped in pain.

My arms let go of Jason, and he slid to the grass. Piper sat with him as they looked at me.

"I'm sorry, bro. I didn't want you involved. I'm sorry," Jason kept muttering apology.

"JUST SHUT UP," I shouted, my voice in panic.

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