8: Sorry

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Annabeth POV

Secrets don't last long within a group of friends. Percy tried to keep a secret with us, but by the end of the week, everyone knew the truth. I understand why he wanted nobody to know; he didn't want the added pressure.

I'm talking about how Percy's training to potentially participate in the US Olympic trials.

On Monday, only Rachel knew about Percy's training. Apparently, Rachel knew because she helped Percy convince Lupa Wolfe, former Olympian, to coach and sponsor Percy. I really like how good of a friend Rachel was.

On Tuesday, Percy decided to tell Jason because they're best friends. Just like I am with Thalia, they probably don't have secrets from each other.

Of course, that's when everyone started to find out.

Piper found out from Jason because they're dating. Piper ended up spilling the secrets to all the girls, including myself. I was very proud of Percy. We don't get along, and he seemed to hate me right now. regardless, Percy was a very talented and focused swimmer; he deserved this opportunity so much.

From the girls, the boy found out.

It was Thursday now, and everyone in the group found out. We were waiting for Percy because everyone at our lunch table had questions.

I gaze lingered on Percy when he walked in. He hair was as untamable as ever. Percy walked through the cafeteria with confidence, and a grin was back on his face. The breakup and Luke's betrayal hit him hard, so I'm glad he's feeling a little better.

As soon as he reached the table, he rolled his eyes.

Percy was expecting it.

A tsunami of questions bubbled out of everyone's mouths. All at once. Percy simply sat down, listening to everyone's excitement and confusion.

"Yes, it's true," Percy stated. "I'm working with Chiron and Lupa to improve my skills and times so that I may be competitive at the Olympic Trials."



The whole table cheered, much to Percy's surprise. His cheeks flushed red while his hand nervously scratched the back of his neck.

Percy looked really cute when he's flustered.


I frantically shook my head at my thoughts. There was no way that I found Percy cute like that. It's impossible.

Of course, that's the biggest lie of the century. Percy was probably one of the most attractive guys at school. He was handsome, and swimming gave him a great physique. Like, Percy is hot.


I shook my head again and wiped my face to clear my thoughts.

Percy noticed though. His gaze fixed on my face in confusion despite the cheering commotion around us. He had spoken to me since our fight when I told him about Luke and Drew cheating. I knew he was angry and upset, but it wasn't my fault.

I was just being honest, Like I would be with any of my friends. Or, whatever Percy was to me.

Today's lunch was definitely more exciting thanks to Percy's good news. The conversations were lively, and people were tentatively back to having a good time. Obviously, if Percy was down, it brings the table down too. However, today, he seemed better. It was refreshing to see that a new goal in mind was helping Percy move on from Luke and Drew.

I have biology with Percy after lunch. None of the others were in this class. The class was tense all week because Percy and I weren't on speaking terms.

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