23: Jealousy

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Percy POV

I already decided where I want to go to college. Everyone started receiving their college acceptances, and it feels good to not worry about that anymore.

I knew I wanted to stay in New York, close to home, because I couldn't leave the guidance of my coaches because Swimming will continue to be a part of my career. Once you're on the path of a professional athlete, you generally don't dissuade from it.

As such, I decided on attending NYU, where I got a full ride thanks to swimming.

My academics certainly don't warrant a full scholarship, but my swimming does. Obviously, any university wants to lure a potential Olympic athlete to their school. In hindsight, I should've only applied to NYU; it would've made everything so much easier. Meh, whatever. You learn as you go along, I guess.

i'll be majoring in Marine Biology / Oceanography, but swimming is the real ticket. I was excited and nervous for college, but I had more important things to think about right now.

It's April.

The weather's getting better on the bright side. However, it also meant that the US Olympic trials were only two months away.

It feels surreal.

"Aquaman, I know you're anxious, but can you stay present?" Leo exclaimed. He banged his hands on the table, effectively pulling me out of my trance.

"Sorry, boys, just thinking," I mumbled.

"Well, stop thinking!"

Jason, Leo, Frank, and I came to Demeter's cafe as we usually do on Saturdays. I had finished with morning swim practice, which lasted four hours, and we came for lunch.

"Well, I'm happy that I'll be rooming with Percy at NYU," Leo blurted out.

"WHAT?" We yelled.

"Yeah, I know I didn't ask you yet, but I accepted my spot at NYU yesterday. I figured that I didn't want to go far from home, and NYU has a fine engineering program," Leo explained.

"That's awesome," I said with a smile.

It would be great to go to college with someone I knew. Leo and I were really close friends anyway, so it would work out great.

"Well, Percy, have fun with Leo's constant tinkering of metals. It's so annoying sometimes," Frank joked.

Leo flipped him off as Jason and I laughed.

Jason and Frank still haven't decided where they want to go or what they wanted to do. I know Jason is juggling between becoming a pilot and a professor, two drastically different positions if you ask me. Of course, I'd support him either way. Frank wants to work with animals (possibly a Vet), but didn't decide on a college yet.

We continued to joke and laugh around when a sight caught my attention.

Annabeth walked into the cafe with Matt Sloan. They took a booth, not too far from my table, and I couldn't help but feel angry that they were on a date.

At least, it looked just like a date.

"Bro, what are you looking at-- Oh..." Jason faltered.

"It's not a big deal, guys. Annabeth and I are just friends. She can date other people if she wants," I said. Even as I said those words, I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't realize that our break would encourage her to see other people.

"it might not even be a date," Jason started.

"Sparky, Annabeth literally came alone with a guy for lunch. A guy, who we've never seen before as a friend. What else would it be?" Leo asked, earning a nudge from Frank.

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