4: Love-Hate

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Annabeth POV

My day started great. Everything was normal at home, and school was also normal. My first four classes went by quickly and easily. 

I aced Ms. Dodds's pop quiz. No surprise there. 

"I can't believe we had a pop quiz," Piper complained as we walked to lunch. "Since when is it a teacher's job to torture their students."

"I'd say the moment Ms. Dodds was born," Thalia quipped. 

"Or, the day she decided to become a teacher even though she hates kids," I stated. "Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if she was a fury in disguise."

Everyone laughed. We just reached the cafeteria when I realized that I needed to go to the library. There was a book that I was looking for, and the librarian finally emailed me saying that the entire Maze Runner series is available for checkout. 

I bid farewell to my friends before going to the library. I hated the architecture of our school. It was just two rectangles placed together. The cafeteria made the inside of one rectangular structure while the library was on the other side. It was an efficient layout, but it was also very bland and boring. 

I sighed when I reached the wooden doors of the library. This was one of my favorite places in school. I enjoyed being surrounded by the books. 

Walking into the library, I felt a wave of nostalgia. 

My mom and I used to hang out a lot at the library. Of course, I felt stupid for missing her since she abandoned me and my dad when I was seven years old. I had no clue where she went, but her career was more important to her. 

I sighed before making my way to the librarian. She was a pleasant old lady with a great smile and warm personality. 

"Hi Hestia. How are you doing today?" I asked. 

"I'm phenomenal," Hestia smiled brightly. "Just guarding the Maze Runner series for you. Anything for Goode High's future valedictorian."

I blushed at the compliment, but it wasn't completely off-based. I took so many AP classes, and I'm always a straight-A student. A lot of people think that it comes easy to me, but I actually do a lot of work to be successful at school. 

I took the books from Hestia and started retreating to lunch. 

However, some shuffling in the non-fiction section caught mine and Hestia's attention. It sounded like someone was trying to knock down the shelves or something. Or, they were being really aggressive in how they were checking books. 

Hestia sighed before leaving her desk. I didn't mean to follow Hestia to the scene, but I was curious. Besides, I was in no rush to get to lunch. 

However, I wish I didn't follow Hestia. 

I should've just ran to the cafeteria without a second glance back. 

Hestia gasped loudly, drawing the attention of Drew Tanaka and Luke Castellan. There arms tangled around each other's bodies, and Drew's lipstick on Luke's mouth. My jaw dropped as I stared at them. 

I couldn't believe that they would do that to Percy. While I'm not a great fan of Percy, I've already heard that he was a very considerate boyfriend and friend. He treated Luke like an older brother even since they started swimming and training together. And, Drew got nothing but love and respect from Percy. 

I couldn't believe this. 

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Hestia shrieked in shock. "How could you be so cruel to Perseus?"

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