21: Work, Work, Work

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Percy POV

I was now regretting the choice of not getting homeschooled.

Everything was just so hard. Athletes need a solid 7 hours of sleep, which means I'm in bed by 10 so that I can wake up for morning swim practice at 5. School ran from 8am to 3pm. Then, I have evening swim from 3:30pm to 6:30pm. This leaves approximately 4 hours to do homework, study, eat dinner, socialize with family, and casually talk to people.

Ugh. Damn.

Thinking about my life could depress anyone.

However, I'm focused and determined to do everything I can to prepare for the US Olympic trials. My participation in the competition was practically confirmed.

I was so excited for the summer.

The months we're flying by as well. My rigid schedule made everything run fast since I'm working all the time, and it was March before I even knew it.

Annabeth and I...well, we returned to being really close friends. The fact that I kissed her a couple of times and told her I loved her would linger in the back of my mind. She would be tutoring me sometimes, and I'd have a ridiculously crazy urge to pull her close to me and put my lips on hers. However, I suppressed those thoughts because we were better this way for now.

Jason's and my friendship didn't have as much luck. I was still mad at him because we were supposed to have each other's backs, not get himself injured and needing me. He knew how important swimming and competing was for me.

Even still, Jason's my best friend. I couldn't just avoid him.

"Bro, we still have to buy you a bunch of new sweatshirts. You've been using the same ones since sophomore year. You can't go to compete without new gear," Jason stated.

I sighed. "I'm trying to save money here."

"Dude, if it's money you're worried about don't, I'd be more than happy to help you find some decent sports clothes," Jason expressed. "Look, I can get a discount at the mall since Thalia works at a boutique, and you have to admit that you need to look your best for the trials."

"Gods, Jason, the competition is still months away."

"I know, but it's my job to look out for you. Trust me, I know I've heavily relied on you before, but you should be relying on me too," he said.

I simply stared at my friend as he continued browsing through sports clothing on his laptop. It's true that past Olympians all wore pretty good clothes to their competitions. They definitely wore new stuff.

"Anyway, what do you think about these sweats?" Jason asked.

"Jace, I forgive you," I blurted out.


"I know that I've been angry with you recently. We still hang out and have fun because we're best buds, but I haven't been fully with you," I explained honestly.

"Well, I did mess up that night at the party. It put you in trouble," Jason said.

"So wha?" I asked. "I was just really scared and stressed after the incident. However, I failed to realize that I'm protecting my best friends. You'd do the exact same to me."

Jason smiled and whirled in the desk chair.

"I'm buying you these blue sweats," he said cheerfully.

I laughed while laying back down on the bed. Jason jumped on the mattress next to me and kept showing me a bunch of different sweats and jackets. Olympic athletes do generally dress nicely, even in sportswear. Of course, I'll have gear from the USA Olympic Committee if I make it, but I'd need more clothes. Jason was helping me prepare ahead of time.

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