17: Bad Ideas

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Percy POV


WHOOOO, What An Experience!!

I couldn't believe how good it felt to be kissing Annabeth. It was like the rest of the world melted away, and I was living in that one moment. I cherished every second of it.

I had to leave pretty soon after the kiss. We didn't even get a chance to talk about us.

Winter break passed by quickly and with minimal interaction with my friends. Chiron and Lupa enhanced my training regimen in preparation for the US Olympic Trials. Also, a bulk of winter break was spent working on college applications, which Paul helped me with. Hate to be 'that jock,' but swimming would definitely get me into college.

I'm hoping for NYU so that I can stay close to home. I don't think I can go out-of-state. Besides, I have to stay close to Chiron and Lupa; they are my coaches.

More importantly, Chiron and I worked together on my Olympic Trial application. It was a whole process, but if I did everything correctly, I'll get selected. My times qualify me. Also, thanks to my performance at Winter Nationals, my name was buzzing in the right circles (according to Lupa).

Even through all this, I couldn't stop thinking about Annabeth.

She constantly permeated my mind and soul. I even dreamed about her sometimes; some of my dreams were even dirty (I'm gonna keep those to myself). I'd rather not describe those dreams for y'all.

Before I knew it, school started again, much to my disappointment.

"I can't believe we're back at school," I grumbled. "My break wasn't even a break."

"What we're you doing?" Jason asked.

"Not everyone is a good student like you. I had to submit my college and Olympic apps at the last minute."

Jason rolled his eyes as we walked into school. "And, who's fault is that," he teased.

"Anyway, what are you gonna do about Annabeth?" He asked seriously.

Of course, I told Jason about kissing Annabeth. First of all, I had to tell someone because I had to brag about what an amazing experience it was. Secondly, he's my best friend, and I need advice. I just don't know where Annabeth and I stand; plus, I have so much going on.

It just felt like a bad idea to be in a relationship right now. I really like Annabeth though.

"My mind is saying one thing, but my heart is saying a different thing," I expressed sadly.

"Ooh, look who's a philosopher."

We laughed while walking to our lockers. Our group of friends were lounging in the hall, waiting for us. This was a common habit of ours to talk before school begins. Jason picked me up from Olympia today (because I forgot to put gas in my car), so it was a surprise for everyone when we came together.

"What do we owe the pleasure of seeing the best bros together this morning?" Leo cooed. I shoved him playfully.

"We're switching things up," I replied.

As a conversation started amongst the group members, my gaze wondered to Annabeth. She was standing quietly and smiling at everyone. Gods, I wanted to be alone with her so bad.

Her eyes locked onto mine, and she seemed to be searching for something. I gestured for her to sidestep the group.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk much during the break," I whispered so only she could hear.

"I figured you were busy. You're a huge procrastinator anyway," she teased.

My heart lurched at the grin on her face. Annabeth just so beautiful. Gods, I'm so attracted to her. I know I'm hesitating to make things official between us, but I wanted to be sure.

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