16: Cinderella Castle

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Annabeth POV

A Secret Santa party without Percy just felt a little bit empty.

I could envision him joking around with everyone and having fun. Furthermore, Percy would make sure that everyone else was feeling good. It was one of his best qualities. However, Percy wasn't here to do that, and I guess I missed him.

The snowstorm was pretty bad. People were still able to drive around locally, but I can understand why the runway would be off-limits.

"Guys, are we gonna make eggnog?" Leo asked. Will nodded his head in excitement.

"We agreed to not have alcohol," Hazel scolded both of them.

"What kind of teen party doesn't have alcohol,"Will countered. You wouldn't think it, but Will is an avid party animal, just like Leo.

I rolled my eyes while placing more chips in the counter. We were in Piper's house because she usually always hosts the parties. House would be an understatement. Piper lived in a mansion, and she loved sharing it with all her friends. The fact that she wasn't a rich, snooty girl made her all the more likable.

The kitchen was directly connected to the huge family room, giving us a lot of room to hang out.

"This is ridiculous!! What kind of party is this?" Leo and Will continued. I couldn't help but laugh.

Piper, however, didn't think it was funny. "Both of you just shut the hell up."

Piper grabbed Leo and Will by the ears and pulled them into the living room. At least, I was getting a nice show out of coming to the party. Thalia cheered for Piper to hurt them more, no surprise there. Leo and Will were massaging their ears while finally joined the friend circle on the ground.

It was time for Secret Santa. I really hoped whoever had me brought me a genuine good present. I hate having to pretend to like something.

For instance, I could've won an Oscar for my performance last year. I was so 'happy' when Leo got me an architecture book, one that I already had (note the sarcasm). I'm pretty sure Leo's even seen me reading it beforehand.

"All right, since Percy's not here, I'm just going to break the news and say that Jason won't be getting anything today," Piper explained.

Jason didn't seem to mind though. Knowing Percy, he would've already bought Jason a gift, regardless of Secret Santa. They were best friends and cousins after all.

Beyond that, Secret Santa was enjoyable.

Hazel brought me a nice gray sweater, which I thought was pretty for me. I appreciated her for buying me something I'd actually use. The funniest present came from Leo to Frank. Chinese Handcuffs. Frank ended up getting stuck in them, causing everyone to laugh at his embarrassed face. Eventually, I had to teach him how to escape from the handcuffs.

After Secret Santa, the party died down. Movies were playing in the background, but people were still chatting through them.

I was just finishing a conversation with Rachel. I'd say Rachel and Percy were back on speaking terms. There relationship was a little strained, but they'd be okay. When you're genuinely friends, you can get through some hard times together.

It's great that Rachel was able to set aside her emotions and stay supportive of Percy. She was a really good friend to have.

Rachel left to talk to Hazel about art club when Jason and Thalia approached.

"You're missing Percy, aren't you?" Jason asked quietly. Thalia listened for my answer as well.

I blushed. "What makes you say that?"

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