Part 9: First but Worst Week

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Childe POV:

As I head towards his office I am now wondering what it is that would need me to go to his office in the first place. I guess I'll find out.

When I got to his door I knocked on it." Come in." I walked in and he was just minding his own business but when looked up I can see the hate in his eyes. "I thought I said that you shouldn't be feeding my child anything kind of sweets period!" My eyes widen at his words. How did he know? Did Zariah tell him? "You may be thinking in your dumbass brain how I know this. Just so you know I have cameras all over this place even in my son's room. I've known you have been giving them to him 'cause you started to feed him them!" He got out of his office chair going for me. I was backing up until I hit the door. He slammed both of his huge hands on the door.

I thought they were going to break, he releasing a dangerous amount of pheromones. Thank God I took my supplements before this or I would be a whimpering mess. I was still scared to shit and avoided eye contact.

He put his hand on my chin for me to look at him. "DON'T LOOK AWAY FROM ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!!" He said yelling at me in his alpha voice I was now staring at him with tears in my eyes. "You're only lucky 'cause he's grown attracted to you if not I would have sent you home a long time ago!" I was now crying my eyes out whimpering. He let go of my chin and I fell to the ground. What an asshole he is...

"GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!!" He said loudly. I got up and went out the door.

I started walking sheepishly toward my given room. When I got there I open the door slamming it and went down to my knees into a fetal position. I don't know why but him yelling at me I didn't expect to react this way. I'm normally "strong," I think when people are yelling at me but I guess that isn't the case here.

After staying there for a couple of mins my legs started to hurt and I got up toward my bed. I lay there face first into the people I sob silently until I fell asleep.

The next morning...

I woke up pretty tired although I has a couple of hours of sleep that didn't help at all with how fatigued I am. I got out of bed and when to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and as expected, my eyes are red and puffy. I water my face and brushed my teeth and remembering what happened yesterday. If he didn't like me giving his son sweets in the first place he could have just called but no, he had to do it in my face to embarrass me even more than I already am with myself.

After thinking about the situation I just washed my face again to get those thoughts away and took a cold shower I ease my mind.

After the shower, I got dressed in shorts and a big T-shirt, and some slippers. I got out of my room with my phone in hand going to the kitchen to have some breakfast if I have an appetite. When I got to see Zariah cooking some delicious breakfast, my stomach growled and she looked back with wide eyes and smiled when she saw it was me.

"You hungry?"

I nod my head and she turned back around to the food.

"Ok, it'll be ready in a few minutes!" She said

"Ok. I'm just going to get Chili and wait till you're done." I said as I went upstairs.

I briskly walked to Chili's room so I didn't have to see his dad coming down for breakfast since it was Sunday. I got to his room and opened the door. I saw that Chili is still sleeping so I walked quietly toward his bed and shook him awake.

"Hey sleepy head, it's time to get up for breakfast." I saw him whispering into his ear. He turned around ignoring me.

"Five more minutes~" He isn't with tiredness in his voice. I just picked him up and put him over my shoulder since he does this every morning and walked to the bathroom to get him ready for the day.

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