A Helping Hand

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She couldn't breath
Her eyes were glued to the lifeless bodies of her parents. She didn't even realize it but, she was crying.
Tanjiro took notice of this and immediately shielded her from the sight by hugging her. He was pushing her face into his chest. All Y/n did in response was cry harder and hug him back. Tanjiro picked Y/n upp and handed her to Zenitsu. "Zenitsu please watch over her while I burry the bodies" with that he began to dig two holes.

Inosuke was standing right next to Zenitsu peering over at you. He couldn't help but feel a tad bit of sadness for the young girl. But he didn't show it, he just continued to peer over at her. Meanwhile Zenitsu was doing his best to comfort her. He rubbed circles in her back and hugged her. He was starting to freak out when her crying seased. He began to think she died untill he heard her faint breaths. He realized she had fallen asleep in his arms. He suddenly wasn't moving a inch in fear of waking her upp.

Tanjiro walked back to the 3 and picked y/n upp again. Zenitsu was sad he couldn't hold her anymore but didn't dare to say anything. A fight would wake you upp, that would make traveling with you harder.

They set off on their journey at last.
They were heading to wisteria crest house to heal upp (I think that is what they are called). Around half way through Y/n had woken upp.

Tanjiro had taken notice almost immediately. Instead of putting her down he continued to carry her. She wasn't complaining since she had just remembered her ankle had twisted when she had ran from the thing that attacked her family. Other than that the walk to the Wisteria Crest House was pretty smooth.

"Allright everyone! We are here!" Tanjiro had excitedly said.

A couple seconds later a short old woman had opened the door and welcomed them in. Zenitsu wanted to say she was a demon for moving so fast but him remembering his mistake with Y/n quickly pushed that thought away. She had showed them the room they would sleep in. The only issue was is that there was only 3 beds. But it was noticed to late.

"So uhhh.. where is she going to sleep?.."
Inosuke had questioned. Zenitsu immediately gasped "She is a girl for heavens sake! She picks a futon first! Why don't you sleep on the ground Inosuke, I'm sure your used to it already!" Tanjiro's face deadpanned but quickly turned back to his normal attitude. "Why don't she just share with one of us! We can let her choose who-" "I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to wrapped the child's ankle, it's clearly injured from how she walks" the old woman had said as she walked over to Y/n. She kneeled down and started to wrapp Y/n's ankle tenderly. Once she had finished she walked put of the room and shut the door.

Tanjiro took the silence as a opportunity to continue. "As I was saying, why doesn't Y/n share a futon with one of us. We should let her pick who though."
Everyone's heads turned towards Y/n. She then realized they were awaiting an answer from the small girl. The young girl look at everyone individually before deciding on who she would share a futon with.

"Can I share with you Mr. Tanjiro?"

Tanjiro grinned widely at her decision. Some would have noticed it was a tiny but unhinged if they were paying attention more. "Of course Y/n! I don't mind at all. It is pretty late so let's get to bed!"

Everyone layed down in the futon they had chosen to have a rest on.

Soon it was the middle of the night. The moon light was sprinkling through a window revealing someone was still awake.


At first he had stayed awake to make sure inosuke didn't try anything, same went for Zenitsu. But after a while.. he new they were being..


(Love meter)

You should meet his sister nezuko! He thinks she would agree with him on protecting you at all cost! It very much shocked him when he found out about your ankle injury. He wished he noticed it sooner.


Why didn't you chose him to share a futon?.. he needs to make you like him! He is plotting how to spend more time with you instead of sleeping..


He wishes you liked him more.. he should find a way to bond with you soon. Very soon..


Your injured.. how did those idiots not notice sooner.. they will make sure you will never be hurt again when they get their hands on you....

[ hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ]

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