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Y/n was watching as tanjiro chased Zenitsu while holding his katana.

Every once and a while she would giggle at their remarks or Zenitsu's screams for help. While she was watching, Nezuko was braiding Y/n's hair into a single big braid with a couple strands loose.

Inosuke was just chasing behind tanjiro after Zenitsu. Y/n had to admit that her arm still hurt but it was not as painful as before.

It was now around the afternoon. The woman who ran the place ,who they learned that her name was Tamia, burst into the room again.
"Lunch is in the dining room, also please be quieter, the other guest have been complaining"
With that she left the room.

Nezuko stood up and then preceeded to pick Y/n upp and then placed her in Tanjiro's arms. She pushed them to the dining room. Zenitsu and Inosuke followed close behind.

After they had grabbed there serving they sat down at (I forgot what they are called, like those tables on the floor with the pillow seats). Y/n was next to tanjiro while inosuke and Zenitsu sat at the other side of the table. Nezuko had gone back to her box to nap.

Y/n ate her food slowly as she watched Inosuke sloppily eat his food with his hands. Tanjiro ate his food politely.
In the middle of eating Zenitsu stopped the silence when he said.
"Eat with your chopsticks"
Inosuke responded by grabbing Y/n's rice cake and eating it since she was across from him.
Zenitsu gasped dramatically while all Y/n did was offer the rest of her food to him.
"If you that hungry mister Inosuke you can have the rest."
Inosuke gladly accepted the food.
He continued to eat with his hands despite what Zenitsu had said.
Zenitsu stood upp and offered his food to Y/n since she looked hungry and he heard her stomach grumbling throughout the day. He didn't let Y/n respond before he just put the bowl in front of her and went sit back down at his seat.

"Thank you mister Zenitsu"
Y/n said silently as she began to eat again.
Suddenly Tanjiro decides to say something.
"Inosuke, please refrain from taking
Y/n's food. She needs it to heal and to grow." Tanjiro didn't forget to add on a small smile at the end to try and not come off as rude even though he was angry at Inosuke's actions.

Zenitsu suddenly cut in with an annoyed tone.

Inosuke gasped supper loudly.
"Why would I!? Y/n is fine with it!!"
He yelled.

Zenitsu repeated himself






Tanjiro yelled while holding a sad Y/n.

Zenitsu and Inosuke looked over to Y/n and felt bad.

The rest of dinner was spent in silence.

[ Love Meters ]


They can't even realize they made Y/n upset! Sometimes I wish it could just be Y/n, nezuko, and I.


If Inosuke didn't take Y/n's food she wouldn't be upset! Inosuke hurt her and now he made her sad! He should just die or something.. wait....


Zenitsu should mind his own business! If he had Y/n wouldn't be sad or hurt! I guess gonpachiro is ok for now....


Inosuke and Zenitsu are so unthoughtful! They shouldn't be allowed near her! Inosuke hurt her and now they both made her sad!


They are horrible at taking care of her.. well I guess Tanjiro is ok.. but.. I doubt he would let me live.....

( sorry for not posting yesterday! I got caught upp! But thanks for the support and the reads everyone! )

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