~9~ Necklace from a Secret Admirer

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A few days later, I was finally off my crutches and able to walk properly again. I ran to the quidditch pitch, jumping around with glee.

"GUESS WHO'S BACK BITCHES!" I yelled, doing a little dance, and bumping my hips against Ollie.

The team started cheering as Ollie shoved me off, smiling. e was now training us harder than ever. Soon, it was the last Hogsmeade trip of the term. I didn't do any Christmas shopping, since all term I had been working on my knitting for everyone. So I just followed Percy and Ollie around as they went shopping for their gifts. At one point Ollie stopped in front of the perfume shop and pointed at a random spot in the opposite direction. "What's that!"

I looked. "I don't see any-"

And Ollie was gone. I peered through the store window and started giggling when I saw him looking through different perfumes. I shook my head at his feeble attempt to distract me, so I just bend down and grabbed a handful of snow. When Ollie stepped out of the shop, now holding a small bag, I shoved the snow on top of his head.

"Well, thank you for your kindness." he said irritably, wiping the snow off his face.

"Come on, let's go find Percy." I grabbed his wrist.

We found Percy in honey dukes, looking through different assortments of sweets.

"I can't decide which one my mother would like." he said.

"Just close your eyes and pick one." I offered.

Percy spent another fifteen minutes, before he finally decided on one.

"Shall we head back to the castle now?" Ollie asked, shivering.

We all agreed.

Since we were in our final year, Percy, Ollie and I decided to spend the winter break at school together. I was pleased to have the entire girls dormitory to myself too. Seamus decided he wanted to go back and visit mum.

And finally, the first day of the holidays came. Percy, Ollie and I spent most of our days lounging about, chatting, playing stupid board games and strolling around the castle. Ollie and I forced Percy to not study, and Percy and I forced Ollie to not babble about quidditch the whole time.

"The flobberworms are dead!" Announced Ron on afternoon, after he, Harry and Hermione came back into the common room.

"Oh thank Merlin, I was getting so sick of those." I said.

"Oh Ron!" Hermione had tears glistening in her eyes. "You shouldn't tell her about that!" Hermione turned to me. "Buckbeak is going to be executed."

"WHAT!" I jumped up. "Is it because of Malfoy?"

Ron looked at me. "Please don't go visit Hagrid right now. Unless you want him to crush you when he hugs you while he cries."

I felt really bad for Hagrid, so I visited him the next day. And Ron was right, Hagrid did in fact crush me with a hug while he cried. I returned to the Common Room, rubbing my sore back.

"I told you so." Ron said.

The decorations throughout the castle were so lavish. Even though only a small handful of us were staying at the castle to see the decorations, I loved the effort the professors put in.

Soon, it was Christmas morning. I grabbed all my gifts and barged into the boys dorms. Percy and Ollie were still sleeping.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I yelled, jumping on Ollie's bed.

"AHHHHHH FUCK!" Ollie screamed. "OH Sara why would you do that." he put his hand on his heart.

Percy also woke up screaming.

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