~30~ Angry Reunion

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The first Order meeting was coming up fast, and we were all hurrying to try and make the place as livable as possible, with Hermione's help too, who arrived just the day after us

"Sorry it's so disgusting here." Sirius said. "No one's lived here in years, you know...... my family's all dead." His lips turned into a sneer. "And I was in Azkaban for twelve years so.... and only a Black can get in this house, it's all enchanted."

"It's alright Sirius." I said, squeezing his shoulder. "Hey, um, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What is it?" He asked, looking at me. 

"Have you heard from Remus at all over the past year?" I asked quietly, so that no one could hear our conversation.

"Oh uh...." But before he could answer, I heard Mrs. Weasley scream "HIPPOGRYFF!"

"Fuck, I forgot to warn her about Buckbeak." And he dashed off to help.

The first meeting was to be later that night, so I ran up to my room to get ready. I wanted to look good, and professional. Dumbledore said there would be other people from the Ministry, so I wanted to make sure I have a good first impression.
I checked my watch. "Shit." There was only a minute left until the meeting, so I grabbed my bag that all my quills and notebooks, just in case, and ran back downstairs and burst through the kitchen, where everyone was starting to get seated.

"Sara! Where were you?"  Asked Mrs. Weasley.

"Sorry, I was getting dressed." I replied sheepishly.

"SARA!" A voice thundered, and I turned around, only to me tackled by a large man with wide broad shoulder.

"Oliver!" I cried, as he picked me up effortlessly.

He pulled back and grinned. He was slightly taller now, his hair a bit longer, and he was more muscular and rugged than before. I had to admit he looked good. Quidditch did him well this past year. "Looking good, Wood."

He grinned. "You too."


I blinked. That voice was so familiar. I turned around slowly, to be met with a handsome scarred face with chocolate brown eyes.

"Sara." He whispered. "I've missed you."

I blinked rabidly, my heart nearly stopping. He looked tired, his eyes more sunken. He had fresh scars on his face and he had more grays in his hair than before. But then my soft gaze turned to rage.

"HOW DARE  YOU!" I yelled, hitting him with my bag.

"Sara!" Ollie cried, looking confused.

"Sara please, let me explain!" Remus cried, shielding himself with his hands.

I kept hitting him over and over with my bag. "YOUVE MISSED ME? I SENT YOU A LETTER EVERYDAY FOR A WHOLE YEAR  WITH NO RESPONSE, AND NOW YOU SAY YOU MISS  ME?" I threw my bag down and lunged at him, my hands stretched out, only for Ollie to wrap his arms around my waist, lifting me up and pulling me away.

I was breathing heavily, close to tears, while Remus looked at me with sad eyes. "Look I just-now's not the best time to talk about this."

"It will never  be the best time because I refuse to talk to you." I said angrily.

"Sara what's going on?" Asked Mrs. Weasley, her eyes wide. 

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" I sobbed angrily, ignoring Mrs. Weasley.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out. Sirius was standing in the corner, with his hands clasped in front of him and staring at the floor, while everyone was staring with confusion on their faces, before Bill's face broke into realization. "Oh he's  your secret lover."

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