~42~ Run in with Percy

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One evening, after I finished a long days of training, Tonks bade goodbye and rushed off, no doubt to see Ollie.

"Where is she off to in a rush?" asked Mad-Eye gruffly.

"Off to see her new boyfriend." I grinned.

"Boyfriend eh?" 

"Oliver Wood."


"He's in our.....group." I said softly, so that no one would hear. 

"Oh, that big shouldered guy. Your other boyfriend."

"He's not-" I sighed. "Yes that one. My best friend."

"Best friend. Other boyfriend. Same thing. You two better not be letting these boys distract your training." he warned.

"Don't worry Mad-Eye. We aren't like that."

I said goodbye and headed out. But as I walked, I spotted a familiar red-headed boy and stopped dead in my tracks. He was heading my way, and he froze too when he saw me. 

"Hello Finnigan." he said shortly.

That felt like a blow to my stomach. "Weasley."

We stood there awkwardly. 

"How have you been?" he asked.

I was halfway turned to walk away, but I quickly turned back around. "I'm fine. And you?"


"That's good."


I fiddled with my necklace. 

"Any new girlfriends?" I blurted out.


"Well, er, you know, last time we really had a conversation was at the Yule Ball and.... you were um, saying how Penelope left... so I was just wondering if you managed to, you know, find a new girlfriend or something. I don't really know why I'm asking...."

He blinked. "No. Uh, there's a girl I have my sights on but, I've never actually spoken to her."

"Oh. Um, I hope that goes well."

I hated this. I hated how awkward this was. The boy who was once my best friend. The boy who I would tell everything to, and no matter how much he disapproved, he would still help me figure my problems out. And now it felt like we were totally strangers.

"How about you?" he asked.

"Actually yeah." I couldn't help but smile. 'Yeah we uh, the guy who left, we uh, we're talking again."

"Really?" his lips twitched up in a smile. 

I nodded. 'Yeah."

"Who is it?"

I pressed my lips in a thin line. I could lie. Or I could tell the truth. If I told him the truth, that might help me see if he changed, or if he's still the same asshole who insulted me those few short months ago.

"Well, you might, er, freak out a bit."

He narrowed his eyes. "Come now Sara, spit it out now."

I leaned forward in a whisper. "Remus Lupin."

His whole face changed into pure disgust. Fuck.

"Lupin?"  he hissed. "The werewolf? The one you attacked you?"

"It wasn't on purpose!" I hissed back. 

"I can't believe you! Who else knows!"

"Your whole family knows. Mrs. Weasley got over it and thinks we make quiet the fancy couple." I crossed my arms. 

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