~60~ Moving In

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Uh Smut warning I suck at it but yeah

"Alright." Mad-Eye said. "This year, we were going to be training harder than ever. Alight Sara?"

"Yes Mad-Eye." I sighed.

Back to training, and I was still wistfully  thinking about the summer. 

After training, Tonks and I went over to her and Ollie's place. Yep. They moved in together fairly quickly. Ollie had obviously just come back from his Quidditch practice, because his hair was all sweaty and sticking up.

"How was training?" he asked, grabbing a towel.

"Horrible." I winced, rubbing my sore hip. "Mad-Eye is really going for it this year."

"Ah, yeah. I mean with everything going on...." Tonks said. "Anyway, did you know that Snape isn't teaching Potions anymore?" 

Ollie and I looked up with wide eyes. 

"What?" I asked. "Who is then?"

"Horace Slughorn." 

"Oh. He taught Remus. I remember him mention Slughorn before." I said. 

"What's Snape doing then?" asked Ollie.

"He's teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts."

I jumped up. "WHAT!  Are you kidding me?"

She shook her head. "No. I wish I was. Oh also I found Harry embolized on the train with a broken nose."

I blanched. "Oh my Merlin Tonks."

She nodded. "I was on duty at the train station, and I found him. He wouldn't tell me who it was tough."

I sighed and rubbed my nose. "Barely evens started the year and already got himself into trouble."

Ollie laughed. "That's Harry for you."

I gasped, smacking his arm. "I FORGOT TO TELL YOU!  Harry's been made the new Quidditch captain!"

Ollie's mouth dropped open. "Really?"

I nodded. "Yeah. And I heard Ginny's trying out. I think as Chaser."

"Blimey." Tonks looked impressed. "Ginny's fantastic isn't she?"

"Brilliant." I nodded. 

~ ~ ~
The next evening, I was visiting Remus. We were curled up in the living room, just enjoying each other's company. I was doing some knitting while Remus read a book.

He put his book down. "Hey Sara? Can I asked you something?"

I looked up from my knitting. "Of course you can. What's on your mind?"

"Well, do you remember when your mother asked if you'd ever move in with me?" he asked, shyly.

I smiled. "Yeah. I remember that. Why?"

"Well, I've been thinking....I feel like right now I am.....Do you want to move in with me?" he asked in a rush.

I froze for a moment. "Yes. Yes I'd love to." I beamed at him.

He smiled back. "Really?"

I nodded. 'Yeah! I would absolutely love to! It's not even a question!"

He beamed at me. 

And so, I told my mam this.

"OH THAT'S SO SWEET!" She cried, pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks mam." I said, hugging her back.

Remus helped me move all of my things into his place. He had bewitched his closet to make it bigger to make space for my things. I grinned at what we did. His room....well.....now our room, as a mix between our things. Part of the walls were covered with my Quidditch posters, and i had also added a few photos of Remus and I, and photos of me with my friends. 

He wrapped his arm around me shoulder and kissed the side of my head. "It looks great my love."

I grinned. "This feels so...... it feels so strange." I admitted. "But in a good way."

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his, kissing him. He lifted me up and laid me on his bed with a devilish grin on his face. 

~ ~ ~
"Congrats, to you two living together!" Tonks cried, lifting her glass of firewhiskey in the air. 

"WHOOOO!" Ollie cheered before downing his shot.

I rolled my eyes. "Damn Ollie, calm down would you?"

He just laughed. 

"How does it feel?" asked Tonks.

"What do you mean?" I asked, after drinking my own shot.

"Like, living with your boyfriend. How do you feel."

I grinned. "It feels like a fairytale."

Remus chuckled at my fondly. 

"Well, we best be off," said Ollie, checking his watch.

"Alright, see you tomorrow Tonks." I said, kissing her cheek, and then kissing Ollie's cheek.

They two left and Apprated.

I turned back to Remus and threw my arms around him.

"What is it love?" he whispered.

"I just like being in your arms." I smiled, snuggling into his chest.

He kissed my forehead. "Come here." he gathered me in his arms and stood up, carrying me bridal style. 

I let out a giggle of surprise. "Remember when you carried me like this after my Quidditch match?"

"I had fallen for you hard by then." he grinned at me. "Before that even."

I flushed a deep red.

"Still getting embarrassed, after all this time?" he chuckled.

"I'll always get flustered by your words Rem." I whispered, kissing his jaw as he pushed open the door to our room and plopped me on the bed, before he was suddenly hovering over me, kissing me all over my face. He trailed his kisses to my neck, biting down on my sweet spot and I groaned.

"Remus." I whispered, reaching up and loosening his collar. 

In one swift motion, he took his shirt off over his head, tossing it to the side. I fumbled with his belt while he tugged on my pants, and soon, we were both bare skinned.

"You're the most beautiful person in the world." he whispered, his hands trailing all over my body. 

"Look who's talking." I whispered back, grinning.

He kissed me again, while his fingers trailed down, all the way down to my heat. I trembled as he rubbed circles on me. 

"Fuck, Remus." I moaned.

He swirled a little faster.

"Oh Merlin Remus." I gasped. "I want all  of you."

Remus kissed my forehead before adjusting himself, and slowly pushing himself in.

I inhaled as he filled himself inside of me, and he started thrusting. 

"Go. Faster." I whimpered. 

He started thrusting faster. "Merlin, I love you so much Sara." he pressed kisses on my neck.

"I love you Remus." I moaned as I came undone. 

He panted, laying next to me and pulling me in close. I turned around in his arms, kissing his collarbone. 

"I love you more than you can imagine. I hope you know that." I whispered, stroking his hair.

"I know love." he smiled at me. "But I hope you know that you can never top the love I have for you."


He just laughed. 

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