~43~ Birthday Party

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The next few weeks passed in a breeze, with training, and work for the Order. And then, it was October fifteenth. My birthday.

I woke up early. My birthday just happened to fall on a weekend, so I didn't have any work or training today. I snuggled further into my blankets, deciding to sleep in, but that was ruined by Ollie, Tonks, and Fleur barging in.

"We're taking you out!" Tonks trilled, ripping the blankets off of me.

I yelled out. "LET ME SLEEP IN!"

Fleur grabbed my arms and dragged me out. "Come on. Let us celebrate. Just us girlz."

"I'm still here." Said Ollie. "Bill is working right now so he's not here."

Tonks and fleur ignored him, turning to me.

"Come on. It's tradition every year Sara." Ollie pouted.

And it was true. Every year on our birthdays, we would wake the other up extremely early (to make most of the day worthwhile) and if it was on a weekend we'd spend it sneaking off to Hogsmeade or going down to Hagrid house. And then at the end of the day we'd have a small party, just me, Ollie and Percy in the boys dorm and we'd eat cake that I took from the kitchens and spend the entire night talking.

I groaned. "Fine."

Twenty minutes later, I was dressed up and we were walking down the streets of Diagon Ally. They treated me to a cafe, and we spent most of the day talking. I was disappointed when I didn't see Remus. I wondered if he even remembered it was my birthday. I hadn't seen Sirius either, which was strange because he was always up early. But not today.

Tonks checked her watch. "We should head back in time for-"

Fleur kicked her.

"I was going to say in time for dinner." Tonks growled.

I glanced between the two girls, my brows furrowed in confusion.

"Come on."

We went back to Grimmauld place.

"Let's see if anyone's in the living room." Tonks said.

The moment I stepped foot in the living room, there was a loud roar of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARA!"

I gasped and toppled over in surprise. "Merlin! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

I gaped as Tonks and Fleur helped me up. Standing in the living room, with balloons and banners all around, were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Kingsley, Mad-Eye, Mundungus, and in the middle, Bill and Sirius were next to Remus, who was holding a large cake.

"Happy birthday Sara." Remus said with a smile.

"Oh you didn't....you didn't have to do all of this for me." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed.

"Of course we had to!" Ollie grinned. "Remus came up with the idea."

Remus nodded. "Come on, make a wish."

I grinned and looked at the cake. I closed my eyes. I wish for everything to be alright again.

And I blew out the candles 

~ ~ ~
"Come dance!" Tonks yelled, bouncing around the living room to some Muggle music playing.

"No thank you." I laughed.

"Come on!"

I sighed as I put down my cake on the table and slowly walked over to the middle of the living room.

"COME ONNNNNNN." Tonks yelled.

I started just bopping my head.

"No dance like we did at the Yule ball!" Fleur cried, grabbing my hand and jumping around.

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