~57~ The Finnigan's

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After Remus insisted on making me eat breakfast, I was now in front of me mams house. I nervously knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" mam asked shrilly.

"It's me, Sara." I called out.

She went silent for a moment. "What is your favorite colour?"

I thought for a moment. "I don't have one."

She unlocked the door and stared at me. "Sara." she breathed.

"Mam." I threw my arms around her. 

She hugged me tightly, not letting go as she shut the door and locked it. "Oh Sara. I've missed you. I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize." I pulled away. "Don't say your sorry. It's fine. Please. I'm just glad I'm here now."

"You have to tell me everything." she said. "Seamus is upstairs with Dean."

"Dean's here?"

"He's spending the summer with us. He forced his parents to go and get a place in America. It was safer for them, being Muggles and all."

I sighed. Poor Dean. I was glad his parents were safe now though.

"SEAMUS. DEAN. GET DOWN HERE PLEASE!" Mam yelled. "Come, sit in the living room."

I sat down on the couch, and Seamus and Dean ran in.

"What's going o- SARA!" Shay sat down next to me, and Dean sat on my other side. "Are we finally going to hear about how the last year has been?" Shay asked.

I nodded. "I guess so."

Mum sat down in front of me. "What's wrong?" she asked suddenly.


"Your face. I can see it. What's wrong. What happened. You look so.....broken."

I blinked, as Seamus and Dean looked at me. I opened and closed my mouth for a few seconds, before all of a sudden, my chest seemed to burst as the tears that had never came, came rushing out. I sobbed the hardest I ever had before.

"Oh Sara." Shay wrapped his arms around me, and Dean did too. The two boys held me as I cried.

"Right after my fight with you, I went to the Burrow. And then I had a fight with Percy, who then said really mean things to me. Then the Weasleys' and I were staying at a friends house! I was part of a group to help fight back against you-know-who! And the friends house was Sirius Black. And he was so nice. He was always so friendly to me. And then I started officially dating Remus Lupin, after being angry at him for so long. And then the school year started, and Is aw you on the platform and oh those looks hurt me to badly. And then during one of my shifts, I got attacked by you-know-who's snake and I spent Christmas in St. Mungo's. The rest of the year was so boring, but then Harry's interview came out and I was so happy when Shay started talking to me again, But I was nervous of what you'd say mam, so I never oweled you. And then you-know-who tricked Harry into thinking Sirius was at the Ministry's, but he really wasn't but Harry and his friends went. So then all my friends and I went to the Ministry and..... and Sirius was murdered in front of my eyes!" I wailed, sobbing hard.

Mam grabbed my hands. "Okay. Calm down darling. Deep breaths."

"I never lost someone I loved so much!" I heaved. "He became like my big brother over the past year! And Remus is hurting badly too because the two of them were best friends since their Hogwarts days."

"Tell me more about Sirius." Mam said slowly.

"You're not scared about it?"

"No. It's in the Daily Prophet that he was actually innocent."

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