~46~ Snake Attack

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It seemed that losing your virginity gave you some sort of glow, because the morning after my night with Remus, Tonks took one look at me and yelled "YOU DID IT!"

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You had a great night with Remus didn't you." she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"How the hell did you know?"

"It's the way you carried yourself today." Ollie grinned.

"Alright, yeah, fine." I grinned to myself. 

They were sitting at the table with Bill, Fleur and Sirius, and they all stared at me with smiles on their faces.

I turned to make myself some tea, just as Remus strolled into the room. He was all dressed, but his hair was still disheveled and he was yawning widely. "Good morning."

"Good morning indeed." Ollie sniggered, and I shot him a glare.

"Another thing is um, you kind of forgot to put a silencing spell on your bedroom." Sirius laughed at our faces. "I could hear you the entire time."

"Well fuck." Remus flushed a bright red while everyone laughed.

I turned away, my face burning, as I poured two cups of tea. I handed one to Remus and drank the other. "Let's just forget about that."

When Remus left to go to his Order duty for the day, Ollie turned to me. "I'm proud of you Sara."


"I'm proud of you. Like, genuinely. You've been waiting for the right person for all these years and you found him." 

I smiled. "Thanks Ollie."

It was true. While Percy lost his to Penelope, and Ollie lost his to some girl in Ravenclaw (they didn't last very long I couldn't even remember her name), I had waited patiently, despite the boys who tried to get in my pants. 

Tonks and I headed off to our training for the day, and after, I was to watch over the Department of Mysteries with Mr. Weasley.

"Long night, huh Mr. Weasley?" I asked brightly, as we put an Invisibly Cloak on us. We sat down, crouched slightly. 

He raised his eyebrows at me. "You seem to be in a happy mood."

"Yes. I suppose I am." I blushed.

Mr. Weasley gave me a knowing smile, but didn't ask. Thank Merlin, because that conversation would have been awkward.

"I've always hated this part of the job." I whispered.

"Me too."

I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"Why don't you rest your eyes for a moment, Sara." Mr. Weasley said. "I'll watch on guard."

"What if you fall asleep too? Like a chain reaction."

"I'll try not to." he smiled.

I tried to fight my sleep, but I felt my eyes drooping. After what only felt like a few minutes, I stirred. I felt Mr. Weasley grab my arm and, still half sleepy, I jumped up with him. 

"What is-" I gasped when I saw a snake slithering towards us. I drew my wand out, before the snake struck at Mr. Weasley.

"Shit!" I fired off spells at it, but it was so quick, I missed, before it struck at me. I gasped in pain as I fell back against the floor. "Mr. Weasley." I said weakly. Before fading in darkness.

I woke up with a groan. My side was searing with pain. Someone was holding my hands. I blinked at the bright light. I glanced down to see Remus, holding my hands, and his head drooped on my bed.

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