~53~ Hagrid and McGonagall's Attack

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The twins visited quiet often, much to Mrs. Weasley's displeasures.

They would always wait for me at Grimmauld place to come back from my training's, and the second I walk through the door, they' d pounce on me telling me how much they'd missed me.

"Merlin, sometimes you act like you love Sara more than your own mother." Sirius said with a laugh.

"Because we do." Fred grinned.

"No you don't." I said dangerously. "Come on, I'm making lunch, what do you boys want."

"Bakes potatoes!" Sirius grinned.

"Sandwiches!" Fred cried.

"Do you have any crisps?" asked George.

"Soup." said Remus, peering over his newspaper.

I turned around. "Soup? While reading a newspaper. And your little sweaters. You look and sound like a grandpa."

Remus just shook his head. "You love it."

"Hmm." I stuck my tongue out. "How about i just make grilled cheese and tomato soup?"

Everyone was happy with that, so with my wand, everyone started chopping up and  the soups started cooking in the pot.

"Hey, I have to ask, how did you even get the money to open your joke shop?" I asked. "You haven't been stealing Couldrons from Dung have you?"

"No." Fred suddenly looked very interested in the carvings on the table. 

"Come on, spit it out." I said, narrowing my eyes, while Remus and Sirius looked, waiting for an answer.

George was staring at a wall. "Has this crack always been there?"

"Come on, answer up." Sirius grinned.

"Well, er, don't get mad but....Harry gave us his winnings from last year." Fred mumbled

Remus, Sirius and I looked at each other.

"He did?" asked Sirius.

George nodded. "He didn't really want it in the first place. Kept insisting he didn't need it, and we needed it more. We also kept telling him he was mad but, we gave in."

I waited for Sirius reaction first. He was deep in thought, and then he grinned wildly. "That's my Harry!"

I was glad he wasn't upset about it.

"Well, you better make sure to name one of your products after him then." I said, as with another flick of my wand, plats and bowls of sandwiches and soup floated in front of everyone on the table.

I was getting an unreasonable amount of letters from all the students I talked to about their exams. I was leafing through them all, with Remus and Sirius watching.

Remember that time you told me you can take me out of life if you wanted to?
Take me out. Get me out of here. Exams are insane. Hermione Granger is muttering to herself all the time, and I'm quiet frightened of her. I don't know how I'll do with exams. 
Please save me

I started laughing. 

"You threatened to kill your brother?" Sirius asked with a laugh.

"Yes, he was being annoying and I was getting irritated every passing second." I quickly wrote back a reply

Dear Shay,
Just wait until you get to your N.E. W. T exams. Don't worry, you'll get through them. If I did, you can too. AS for Hermione, just steer clear from her. She always gets a little funny during exams.
Love, Sara

I opened the next few letters at top speed

Dear Sara,
How did you survive your O.W.L. exams? I'm going to throw myself off the Astronomy tower. I hate this. Hermione is scaring me


Dear Sara,
I hope you're doing well. I'm also glad to see you and Shay are talking. Anyways, can you find a  way to get us out of exams. Also, it doesn't help that I'm having really confusing moments with my romance. I'll tell you more during the summer I guess

I was surprised to even see a letter from Neville

Dear Sara,
You're probably surprised I'm writing to you, but you've always been so kind to me at school and I just really needed to write to someone. All my friends here are really stressed with exams so I don't want to bother them. I'm just super stressed with exams and I don't really know how to go about it anymore

I quickly wrote responses to everyone, and then made sure to tell Neville that we should meet up for tea after he's done the year.

"You're popular aren't you." Remus said.

I shrugged, as I sent off all the owls again. "I've always been nice to the younger kids. They've always been sweet."

I was back at work with training and Order things, and it certainly wasn't helping that I was fully aware the exams had started. I was constantly thinking about everyone, especially Shay and Harry, hoping they were well. 

But then, one evening, Kingsley came with grave news. 

"Hagrid and McGonagall have been attacked."

"What do you mean attacked? Are they alright?" I asked, pressing a hand to my heart.

"Umbridge, Dawlish, and a few other people from the Ministry snuck up on Hagrid in the middle of the night, attacking him. He managed to escape with no harm, the Stunning spells did nothing for him. But Minerva however, is currently in St. Mungo's. She was stunned four times."


Remus squeezed my shoulder. "Just calm down darling."

"No! You can't tell me to calm down!" I cried. "What if she dies! She's not young!"

"She'll be fine." Kingsley said firmly. "Don't worry."

"Can we visit her?"

"No. They're trying to keep what happened on the downlow. No one can go visit her."


"No Sara." he said. "I'm sorry, but it's safer for everyone."

"Fine, be that way then." I crossed my arms and slumped back in my chair.

The meeting went on but I was only half listening at this point. I knew I was throwing a tantrum like a child would, but I was angry. Angry at Umbridge, for attacking McGonagall, and nearly killing the poor woman. Angry at her for attacking Hagrid dead in the night, that fucking coward. I was mad at Kingsley for not letting me go and visit her. I was mad at the whole world for everyone that was going on. It just wasn't fair that all these good people were getting hurt. After the meeting, Tonks, Ollie, Bill, and Fleur stayed for dinner. But we ended up not even eating dinner. No one was in the mood.

"I still can't believe it. What if she dies?" Tonks asked.

"She won't." Sirius said firmly.

"I liked her." Fleur said. "I only spoke to her a small handful of timez, but I liked her."

I sighed. "Yeah, she's great. She was like my grandma to be honest. I'd always go around to hers for tea, and she'd borrow my books, sometimes even lending me a book or two."

"Those racy books?" Ollie laughed, remembering.

"Yeah." I couldn't help but smile. "Oh, I told Tonks about your magazines by the way."

"You bitch."

"You love me."

Ollie rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Tonks smiled faintly. "I think it's quiet funny Ol." she kissed his cheek.

We all stayed silent, letting our minds wander to what we had heard about earlier. 

"Everything will be okay Sara." Remus whispered, as he pulled me against him.

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